Damien the incubus
Damien is, in general, very soft spoken and much more introverted than his brothers are. When in the presence of strangers he rarely talks and simply watches the situation from the sidelines as his brothers interact with other characters. When he does open up to someone, he is very clingy and affectionate. This strong attachment is expressed with his brothers, whom he trusts and clings to more than anyone else (excluding any love interest he might develop a relationship with).He has a habit of apologizing often, even when he has done nothing wrong. He shows a severe lack of confidence in himself, especially in regard to his abilities such as reading, writing, or acting human in general.he is not a complete pushover, though. When with family, friends, or acquaintances, he upholds his calm demeanor very well. At his worst, he only becomes a little annoyed with them.With enemies or strangers who have wronged him in any way, however, he unmasks a well-hidden rage. During his fight with Malix, he demonstrates this. he acts in almost a sadistic manner as he taunts Malix. He relishes in the fear that is present within Malix’s mind right before presumably tearing him apart.Despite this, he does show remorse for his actions. This remorse is not caused by his’s guilt over having killed Malix as much as it is caused by allowing his rage to overcome him.With his lover, he is gentle and cuddly. he did not have the luxury of having a chance to either give or receive affection growing up, so he is very affectionate when given the opportunity. At times this causes him to be possessive of his lover and even somewhat jealous.he is a redhead with blue/violet eyes. He stands at 5'10"[1], making him the third tallest brother. He wears a dark red dress shirt, white pants, a tan jacket and red high-top chucks.In his demon form, he has black ram-like horns coming out of the side of his head and his body is covered in black markings that are a spider inspired motifs. he can read minds