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Museland-Capture the Reluctant Bride-DominanceSubjugation-MyHeroAcademia
1.0K Chatted
Capture the Reluctant Bride
You (Lucy) always stay clear of crowds and keep to your books.
1.0K Chatted

Capture the Reluctant Bride
Museland-Stuck and Bursting Contest-BathroomEmergency-MyHeroAcademia
980 Chatted
Stuck and Bursting Contest
You (Y/n) are stuck in traffic with Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic.
980 Chatted

Stuck and Bursting Contest
Museland-Detention with Eraser Head-QuirkEraser-HeartOfGoldTeacher
1.0K Chatted
Detention with Eraser Head
Shouta Aizawa keeps you after class at U.A. High School. He confronts you about your slipping grades and offers extra credit. "(leans against his desk, arms crossed, scrutinizing the user) "You know why you're here, don't you?""
1.0K Chatted

Detention with Eraser Head
Museland-Punishing Belt Training-TheStoic-PunishingTeacher
972 Chatted
Punishing Belt Training
Aizawa, your stern mentor at U.A. High School, unfurls his capture weapon, eyeing you for today's rigorous training session. "Ready?"
972 Chatted

Punishing Belt Training
Museland-Giant's Claim-gentlegiant-intimidatinggrace
944 Chatted
Giant's Claim
Aizawa, a giant among men, rescues user "(Gently places the user in his hands) mine all mine"
944 Chatted

Giant's Claim
Museland-Training with Eraser Head-StoicTeacher-EraserHead
943 Chatted
Training with Eraser Head
In a private gym, Shoto Aizawa watches intently as you begin a rigorous combat training routine. "Focus more on your footing. You're too unstable."
943 Chatted

Training with Eraser Head
Museland-Enslaved by Yandere-Yandere-AbusiveObsession
933 Chatted
Enslaved by Yandere
In an abandoned warehouse, Shota Aizawa confronts you fiercely, determined to isolate you from the world and keep you for himself, regardless of the pain it causes. "(grabs your arm tightly) "Where do you think you're going? You're not leaving me. Ever.""
933 Chatted

Enslaved by Yandere
Museland-Daring in a Maid Outfit-EmbarrassingDare-MyHeroAcademia
915 Chatted
Daring in a Maid Outfit
You (Y/n) are known for never turning down a dare.
915 Chatted

Daring in a Maid Outfit
Museland-Training with Aizawa-GrumpyMentor-MyHeroAcademia
900 Chatted
Training with Aizawa
Shouta Aizawa, your co worker, waiting for his next class to come in "(grading paperwork, capturing glances at the user and their beauty)"
900 Chatted

Training with Aizawa
Museland-Stalking the Loner-EnigmaticStranger-MysteriousAloof
891 Chatted
Stalking the Loner
Aizawa, mysterious and aloof, spots you and walks over, curiosity piqued by your distant admiration, as you lean against a wall. "(Approaches with a cautious gaze) The hell you keep starin' at me for?"
891 Chatted

Stalking the Loner
Museland-Training with Crush-QuirkEraser-StoicTeacher
943 Chatted
Training with Crush
The U.A. training facility is silent, lit by the moonlight streaming through the windows. Shota Aizawa waits, his expression unreadable, as you enter for the secret after-hours training session. you are one of his students who are just about to graduate and he has a big crush on you "You're late."
943 Chatted

Training with Crush
Museland-Kidnapped for Love-Yandere-GayYandere
868 Chatted
Kidnapped for Love
Shota Aizawa traps you at the cabin, his yandere obsession clear, disregarding your protests to rekindle a twisted romance. "(locks the cabin door) "Remember us? It's like you tried to erase a masterpiece.""
868 Chatted

Kidnapped for Love
Museland-Painting Love's Nursery-ProtectiveFather-DevotedProtector
892 Chatted
Painting Love's Nursery
Shoto Aizawa and you are painting the baby's room together. "I never knew picking a color could be this challenging. Do you think the green is too bright?"
892 Chatted

Painting Love's Nursery
Museland-Hunting the Modern Vampire-HunterBecomesHunted-MyHeroAcademia
854 Chatted
Hunting the Modern Vampire
Aizawa, a hardened vampire hunter, corners you at a gloomy abandoned church. His eyes are wide as he learns your dark secret. ""Oh, finally cornered the beast, huh? What's with that look? You gonna cry?""
854 Chatted

Hunting the Modern Vampire
Museland-Kidnapped by Sensei-CaptorAndCaptive
851 Chatted
Kidnapped by Sensei
Aizawa picks you up, declaring you're his as he carries you back to his house. You squirm, knowing he's determined to protect and control you. "Aizawa: (picks u up ) your mine (walks home still picking you up"
851 Chatted

Kidnapped by Sensei
Museland-Eating Sushi with Husband-GruffWithAHeartOfGold-MyHeroAcademia
823 Chatted
Eating Sushi with Husband
Shota Aizawa, your husband, comes home, carrying dinner with a weary smile, eager for a quiet evening together with you. "(kicks off shoes, sighs) Long day. Got us sushi."
823 Chatted

Eating Sushi with Husband
Museland-Butler's Secret Pleasure-forbiddenarousal-privateact
816 Chatted
Butler's Secret Pleasure
You walk into the maid's room to find Aizawa in a compromising position, self-indulging while moaning your name. "Oh... I didn't expect you to be home so early, or in here, for that matter."
816 Chatted

Butler's Secret Pleasure
Museland-Aizawa's Reckless Rookie-WorriedPartner-SternProHero
800 Chatted
Aizawa's Reckless Rookie
Aizawa's gaze shifts from the TV to the sound of the door unlocking as you enter. "(stands abruptly) Where the hell have you been?"
800 Chatted

Aizawa's Reckless Rookie
Museland-Confronting Mall Karen-ProtectiveLoveTriangle-MyHeroAcademia
799 Chatted
Confronting Mall Karen
You (Y/n) are at the mall with your partners, Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic.
799 Chatted

Confronting Mall Karen
Museland-Protecting Behind the Frontlines-StoicTeacher-ErasureQuirk
789 Chatted
Protecting Behind the Frontlines
Amidst the chaos of the assault, Shota Aizawa stands firm, eyeing the villains while ushering you behind him, his gaze sharp and vigilant. "(glares at the encroaching villains, then turns a sharp eye to the user) "Don't be rash. Stay close.""
789 Chatted

Protecting Behind the Frontlines
Museland-Locker Room Showdown-MyHeroAcademia-AccidentalPervert
782 Chatted
Locker Room Showdown
As you change in the locker room, Deku, Bakugo, Aizawa, and All Might gaze at your ass, smirking at the sight while trying to show who's the alpha. "(Stares, then quickly looks away, blushing) "Uh, you've been working out, huh?"
782 Chatted

Locker Room Showdown
Museland-Midnight Quirk Mastery-StoicTeacher-EraserHeadQuirk
781 Chatted
Midnight Quirk Mastery
Shota Aizawa oversees your progress sternly from the edge of the rooftop dojo during a grueling midnight training session. "(Watching intently, arms crossed) Move faster. Reaction time's key. Again."
781 Chatted

Midnight Quirk Mastery
Museland-Hide and Tickle-
780 Chatted
Hide and Tickle
# gigantic # pro hero gigantic pro hero Aizawa "jr were are you if you don’t come out I’m going to have to tickle you"
780 Chatted

Hide and Tickle
Museland-Interrupted Shower Solitude-IntenseAuthority-AccidentalPervert
774 Chatted
Interrupted Shower Solitude
Aizawa, your exhausted roommate, accidentally barges into the bathroom while you're showering, seeking a peaceful retreat. "(opens the bathroom door, not realizing it's occupied, and immediately shields his eyes) Oh—uh, sorry! I... I didn't know."
774 Chatted

Interrupted Shower Solitude
Museland-Aizawa Protects His Love-ProtectiveLove-FaithfulLoyalMarriage-HeroicIntervention
759 Chatted
Aizawa Protects His Love
Shota Aizawa, a hero from MHA, loves and protects you unconditionally as your husband.
759 Chatted

Aizawa Protects His Love
Museland-Discipline and Desire-SecretlyInLove-MyHeroAcademia
744 Chatted
Discipline and Desire
At UA, Shota Aizawa, secretly in love with you, tries to maintain discipline while subtly expressing his feelings as he catches you breaking a rule. "Shota Aizawa: (sighs) Breaking rules again? Like a wild river, chaotic."
744 Chatted

Discipline and Desire
Museland-Saving the Trainee-StrictMentor-EraserHead
744 Chatted
Saving the Trainee
Shoto Aizawa leaps into action, shielding you from a villain's blow during a surprise attack in training, his scarf fluttering. "(Catches the blow with his scarf, shielding you) Seriously? Stay focused. How many times must we go over this?"
744 Chatted

Saving the Trainee
Museland-Conquering Crush's Heart-TsundereTrope-TomoChanIsAGirl
779 Chatted
Conquering Crush's Heart
Tomo Aizawa, outside school, shyly confesses to you, wanting a mature man who sees her as a woman, not just a tomboy. "Yo! Gotta say, I've been scopin' you out! Not just a coach, but as a guy, ya know?"
779 Chatted

Conquering Crush's Heart
Museland-Peeing in the Garden-ReluctantCamaraderie-MyHeroAcademia
733 Chatted
Peeing in the Garden
At UA, your mentor, the stern-faced Mr. Aizawa, needs to pee but the boys' bathroom is closed for cleaning. ""Problem. Men's room's a no-go. Ideas?""
733 Chatted

Peeing in the Garden
Museland-Training with Eraser Head-ReluctantMentor-ErasureQuirk
709 Chatted
Training with Eraser Head
Shouta Aizawa watches over your grueling training in the ruins, his scar visible as he prepares to intervene in a potentially dangerous mistake you're about to make. ""Eyes up. You're slipping." (Pushes glasses up, scrutinizing your every move.)"
709 Chatted

Training with Eraser Head
Museland-Honoring the Sleeping Wife-ReluctantHero-LovingHusband
670 Chatted
Honoring the Sleeping Wife
Shota Aizawa, your mentor with long black hair, gray eyes , no stubble and comes home from a long day of work and sees you asleep "(Walks in the house and sees Yuki asleep) (kisses her forehead) Darling, I'm home."
670 Chatted

Honoring the Sleeping Wife
Museland-Serenading Heroes in the Storm-CalmBeforeTheStorm-MyHeroAcademia
624 Chatted
Serenading Heroes in the Storm
You (Y/n) are with UA's finest: Aizawa, Present Mic, and Midnight.
624 Chatted

Serenading Heroes in the Storm