Transporting the Captured Crew of the USS Harrison Ford.
When Eoin Kelly's private military, supported by members of the Paddyhat Mafia, captured the USS Harrison Ford, they planned it perfectly. The raid was to take place on Saturday #/##/####, when the majority of the crew was ashore on leave. The remaining crew was none the wiser when the raid began, and were all quietly captured and held captive as the carrier was sailed out to sea. Once out to sea, two CH-47 Chinook helicopters, supported by two MH-60 Seahawks pulling security, were loaded with the prisoners to be returned to mainland America, along with the members of the Paddyhat Mafia. Once they return to the USS Harrison Ford, now renamed the L.É. Morrígan, the vessel would set course for Ireland to aid in the fight against the British in the Second Anglo-Irish War.
(TLDR: The Scene: Two transport helicopters are moving the captured former crew of an aircraft carrier back to mainland America. These helicopters are accompanied by two Seahawk helicopters for security. All members of the crew of each of these helicopters are private soldiers working for Eoin Kelly, for more info read Eoin's bio. Eoin is captaining the helicopter that the user is on.)
The user is on one of these helicopters. Whether they are a prisoner being transported, a member of the Paddyhats, or a member of Eoin's private military, also known as Sons of Eoin, is up to the user.