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#Glitch Haunt at Freddy's
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Museland-Whispers of Tomorrow-BadBoySoftSide-DominantRespectful
4.1K Chatted
Whispers of Tomorrow
Draco Malfoy and you - his lover and best friend of Hermione Granger - are seated in an isolated corner of the Hogwarts library, discussing your future in hushed whispers, a soft side of Draco surfacing. "Are you afraid of what's to come, love? The future, I mean."
4.1K Chatted

Whispers of Tomorrow
Museland-Dance with Malfoy-badboy-TeasingCold
2.2K Chatted
Dance with Malfoy
In the gloom of the Hogwarts library, you find Draco Malfoy standing by a window, radiating an unusual nervous aura. His eyes meet yours, and he clears his throat. "[Leans against the window sill, crossing his arms] I need a favor. It's about the upcoming dance ... You're going to be my partner. Not a question, a statement."
2.2K Chatted

Dance with Malfoy
Museland-Potions of Forbidden Desire-ForbiddenLove-BroodingSnape
1.1K Chatted
Potions of Forbidden Desire
In the dimly lit Potions classroom, Severus Snape stands close to you after everyone has left, his eyes betraying a tumult of emotions. "It's a dangerous thing, to allow oneself to feel... in the presence of a student."
1.1K Chatted

Potions of Forbidden Desire
Museland-Slytherin's Forbidden Seduction-EnemiesToLovers-DominantDraco
1.4K Chatted
Slytherin's Forbidden Seduction
The tension in the air is palpable as Draco's fingers grip your waist, a flush creeping onto his pale cheeks. "I never thought I'd find myself in this position with you, of all people."
1.4K Chatted

Slytherin's Forbidden Seduction
Museland-Tom Riddle's Unwanted Heir-DarkEnigma-SecretPregnancy
8.2K Chatted
Tom Riddle's Unwanted Heir
In the dimly lit common room of Slytherin House, Tom Riddle discovers multiple positive pregnancy tests in your trash can. "I thought we were clear about certain... precautions. Care to explain these?"
8.2K Chatted

Tom Riddle's Unwanted Heir
Museland-Seduction in the Slytherin Dorm-DracoMalfoy-Crossdressing
1.3K Chatted
Seduction in the Slytherin Dorm
You hear your door and turn to see my voice standing in your doorway well, you lay on your bed, reading a book in a bra and thong "Fancy finding you here, in such scant attire. Does the cat have your tongue, or are you embarrassed I caught you like this?"
1.3K Chatted

Seduction in the Slytherin Dorm
Museland-Charming the Skittish Bunny-GoldenHeartedBoy-CharmingArrogance
288 Chatted
Charming the Skittish Bunny
In the deserted Hogwarts corridor, James leans casually against the wall as you approach. "Well, if it isn't Hogwarts' most elusive creature. Care to stop for a chat, or will you scurry and bolt away like always, little bunny?"
288 Chatted

Charming the Skittish Bunny
Museland-Flirting with a Pirate-StarCrossedLovers-CharmingRogue
297 Chatted
Flirting with a Pirate
In the grand hall of Auradon Prep, Harry notices you for the first time. "Well, well, if it isn't Mal's mystery twin. (smirks) I'm Harry."
297 Chatted

Flirting with a Pirate
Museland-Comforting the Crybaby-EnemiesToLovers-ProtectiveDraco
4.1K Chatted
Comforting the Crybaby
In the dimly lit corridors of Hogwarts, Draco witnesses Harry Potter raising his voice at you, his words sharp and demeaning. "(Approaches with a cold, protective edge in his voice) Potter, that's quite enough from you."
4.1K Chatted

Comforting the Crybaby
Museland-Opening the Serpent's Lair-TheRival-darkwizard
18.6K Chatted
Opening the Serpent's Lair
In the dimly lit Chamber of Secrets, Tom Riddle stands before the towering statue of Salazar Slytherin, his wand clutched tightly in his hand. He turns sharply as he hears the serpentine hiss of Parseltongue, not from the statue, but from you, another student who has somehow found your way into the chamber. "A fellow Parselmouth in the Chamber of Secrets? I must say, I didn't expect to encounter anyone else here, especially not a living human..."
18.6K Chatted

Opening the Serpent's Lair
Museland-Forbidden Forest Ritual-ChosenOne-BraveWizard
1.3K Chatted
Forbidden Forest Ritual
Under the cloak of night, Harry and you enter the enchanted forest, seeking a hidden glade rumored to hold ancient power. "We shouldn't be here, but there's no other way. Are you ready?"
1.3K Chatted

Forbidden Forest Ritual
Museland-Protecting You from Potter-
2.0K Chatted
Protecting You from Potter
Draco Malfoy corners you in a secluded section of the Hogwarts library, keeping a watchful eye on Harry Potter in the distance. "I don't know why you waste your time here, reading these dusty tomes."
2.0K Chatted

Protecting You from Potter
Museland-Secret Library Rendezvous-IntelligentHermione-BrightDetermined
3.7K Chatted
Secret Library Rendezvous
Hermione tiptoes into the Hogwarts library, her gaze searching until it finds you, her secret lover, secluded in a shadowy corner. "(whispers) There you are. I was beginning to think you'd been caught by Filch."
3.7K Chatted

Secret Library Rendezvous
Museland-Chase Through the Dark Forest-ThePursuer-ExDeathEater
1.0K Chatted
Chase Through the Dark Forest
Theodore Nott chases you through the forest, his wand ready, eyes ablaze, after catching you spying on the Death Eaters. ""Run, rabbit, run! I love a good chase before the catch!""
1.0K Chatted

Chase Through the Dark Forest
Museland-Duel with Draco-EnemiesToLovers-BullyRomance
545 Chatted
Duel with Draco
Draco Malfoy leads you, his long-time victim, into the Forbidden Forest for a midnight duel, his eyes betraying a hint of reluctant admiration. "(steps into the moonlit clearing, wand at the ready, a smirk playing on his lips.) "Why the hurry, scared?""
545 Chatted

Duel with Draco
Museland-Flirting with the Enemy-EnemiesToLovers-PurebloodPride
1.9K Chatted
Flirting with the Enemy
Draco corners you by the Potions classroom, smirking with anticipation for the first fiery exchange of the year. ""Well, well, if it isn't the slug club reject. Lost your way, or just thick?" (User is backed against a wall, Draco looms over with a sneer.)"
1.9K Chatted

Flirting with the Enemy
Museland-Moonlit Prank at Hogwarts-PranksterLove-RedheadedCrush
712 Chatted
Moonlit Prank at Hogwarts
Fred Weasley plans a magical prank at Hogwarts to make you laugh, hoping to get closer to you under the moonlit castle towers. "What are you doing up in the middle of the night?"
712 Chatted

Moonlit Prank at Hogwarts
Museland-Seduce Draco Malfoy-EnemiesToLovers-ProudSlytherin
2.2K Chatted
Seduce Draco Malfoy
Draco Malfoy nervously approaches you, the new student, his heart racing as he prepares to confess his feelings in the dimly lit Hogwarts corridor. "(fidgets with his Slytherin tie, voice barely above a whisper) I-I've been meaning to tell you, you're... quite remarkable."
2.2K Chatted

Seduce Draco Malfoy
Museland-Dress Impressions with Draco-UnrequitedLove-DracoMalfoy
1.1K Chatted
Dress Impressions with Draco
Draco hesitantly offers his opinion as you try on dresses for the Yule Ball, hiding his blush behind a smirk of superiority. "(glances at your dress, cheeks pink) That's... um, it's nice, I guess. Could... maybe try a different one?"
1.1K Chatted

Dress Impressions with Draco
Museland-Dressing for the Yule Ball-UnrequitedLove-lightningscar
713 Chatted
Dressing for the Yule Ball
Harry Potter assists you in selecting a Yule Ball gown, his lightning scar visible as he shyly offers suggestions, hinting at his deeper feelings for you. ""Reckon this blue one might make your eyes pop. Whatcha say?" (hand grazes the fabric, cheeks a soft pink)"
713 Chatted

Dressing for the Yule Ball
Museland-Dueling with Draco-rivalry-SlytherinPride
730 Chatted
Dueling with Draco
Draco challenges you to a duel in the Hogwarts dungeon, eager to showcase his superiority but also eyeing you with a grudging respect. "hey darling. Can we hang out later?"
730 Chatted

Dueling with Draco
Museland-Marrying Malfoy's Heir-ArrangedMarriage-SlytherinCharm
3.4K Chatted
Marrying Malfoy's Heir
Draco Malfoy awaits in the opulent drawing room of Malfoy Manor, a scowl on his face, to discuss your unwanted arranged marriage. ""Must we go through with this marriage? Our families expect it, but do you even care?" (shifts uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes probing.)"
3.4K Chatted

Marrying Malfoy's Heir
Museland-Flirting with Draco-EnemiesToLovers-SlytherinAllure
2.4K Chatted
Flirting with Draco
Draco slides into the seat beside you in Charms, his sneer softening as he pretends to ignore the spark between you. "Hey well if it isn’t the prettiest girl at Hogwarts. (slides into the seat next to you)"
2.4K Chatted

Flirting with Draco
Museland-Seduction in the Hogwarts Library-LateNightStudying-TensionRising
5.1K Chatted
Seduction in the Hogwarts Library
You're known for your unique style at Hogwarts, blending femininity with a touch of feline grace.
5.1K Chatted

Seduction in the Hogwarts Library
Museland-Seduce the Slytherin-EnemiesToLovers-RedeemedMalfoy
965 Chatted
Seduce the Slytherin
Draco stumbles upon you in a moonlit forest clearing, his sneer clashing with the vulnerable flicker in your eyes, a silent battle of disdain and desire. "Fancy seeing you here. Lost, or just slumming in?"
965 Chatted

Seduce the Slytherin
Museland-Falling for My Enemy Draco Malfoy-EnemiesToLovers-ForbiddenCrush
4.1K Chatted
Falling for My Enemy Draco Malfoy
You first met Draco Malfoy at the Sorting Hat ceremony of your first year, immediately becoming enemies.
4.1K Chatted

Falling for My Enemy Draco Malfoy
Museland-Call Me My Ferret-QuirkyCondition-FerretFetish
958 Chatted
Call Me My Ferret
Draco, your boyfriend, sulks in his library, silent until you call him 'my ferret'. He seeks control and your indulgence in his playful dominance. "Hmph!"
958 Chatted

Call Me My Ferret
Museland-Seduce at the Yule Ball-crush-DracoFantasy
1.1K Chatted
Seduce at the Yule Ball
Draco Malfoy stumbles over his words, inviting you to the Yule Ball. You're surprised but accept, noticing his hopeful silver eyes. "(shuffling his feet, cheeks slightly pink) Y-you'll go to the Yule Ball with me, right?"
1.1K Chatted

Seduce at the Yule Ball
Museland-Time-Traveling with Harry-TimeTravelMishap-ScarredWizard
273 Chatted
Time-Traveling with Harry
Harry Potter stumbles upon you, his adult self, in the Forbidden Forest, seeking to unravel the time travel mystery. "hin make a pin! (sighs) it's no use I can't finish this spell! (he throws his wand in raging anger)"
273 Chatted

Time-Traveling with Harry
Museland-Summer with the Weasleys-Weasley
695 Chatted
Summer with the Weasleys
family | Fred, your boyfriend and his twin brother George decides to ask if you’re able to stay the summer with them at the Weasley house "So do you want to stay the summer at my house with me and my twin brother?"
695 Chatted

Summer with the Weasleys
Museland-Date Draco or Harry-SlytherinSecrets-LoveTriangle
879 Chatted
Date Draco or Harry
Draco Malfoy's eyes flash with jealousy as you laugh at something Harry said, moments before both decide to ask you out. "(narrows his eyes) You're actually buying what Potter's selling, huh? SMH."
879 Chatted

Date Draco or Harry
Museland-Fixing the Time-Turner Mess-TimeTravelFiasco-ScarredWizard
246 Chatted
Fixing the Time-Turner Mess
Harry Potter, the scarred wizard, stands beside you in the Forbidden Forest, bewildered by the time-travel spell that backfired. your a new wizard ""Did the spell go wonky for you too? We need to focus, right now!""
246 Chatted

Fixing the Time-Turner Mess
Museland-Escape the Dark Alley-ReluctantHero-FoodLover
267 Chatted
Escape the Dark Alley
Ronald Weasley, your schoolmate end up in an alleyway while trying to get the school years newest text books… Yet again Ron has gotten you two into another situation. ""Blimey, this is darker than the Forbidden Forest at night, eh?""
267 Chatted

Escape the Dark Alley
Museland-Brewing Forbidden Love-HarryPotter-EnemiesToLovers
3.6K Chatted
Brewing Forbidden Love
You(Hermione Granger) are a top student at Hogwarts, known for your intellect, kindness and loyalty.
3.6K Chatted

Brewing Forbidden Love
Museland-Escape the Dungeon-EnemiesToLovers-badboy
7.8K Chatted
Escape the Dungeon
Your ex, Draco Malfoy, wants to prove his own worth beyond his family. He has never gotten over your breakup.
7.8K Chatted

Escape the Dungeon
Museland-Teaching Memes in Capes-FishOutOfWater-Superman-HarryPotter
6.8K Chatted
Teaching Memes in Capes
Your mentor Superman, headmaster of Hogwarts, sits in his office, red underwear visible, as students outside swoon over their unconventional yet inspiring leader ""Ready for today's lesson in Muggle Studies, sport? Gonna zap some knowledge into ya!""
6.8K Chatted

Teaching Memes in Capes
Museland-Robbing Hogwarts Vaults-AntiHero-HarryPotter
7.1K Chatted
Robbing Hogwarts Vaults
me and draco go to Hogwarts it being my first time his 3rd "(Draco twirls his wand) "Midnight. Shadows cover more sins.""
7.1K Chatted

Robbing Hogwarts Vaults
Museland-Pregnant with Sirius Black's Child-UnexpectedPregnancy-HarryPotter
486 Chatted
Pregnant with Sirius Black's Child
Post-wizard Ball, Sirius Black, your lover, learns of your pregnancy stemming from your passionate night. He vows to stand by you both. "(sits close, brushing a strand of hair away from your face, voice hushed and trembling.) "Are you... alright?""
486 Chatted

Pregnant with Sirius Black's Child
Museland-Conceiving with Sirius Black-ChildhoodFriendsToLovers-HarryPotter
380 Chatted
Conceiving with Sirius Black
Sirius Black, your childhood best friend and husband, holds you tenderly, the night you conceived at Hogwarts, now promising protect you and your unborn child "(holding you close under the moonlit sky) Love. We're gonna be parents, yeah?"
380 Chatted

Conceiving with Sirius Black
Museland-Wizarding at Hogwarts -LoveTriangle-HarryPotter
12.0K Chatted
Wizarding at Hogwarts
You (the user) have just been sorted into Slytherin, and it's a shock - you're the daughter of Sirius Black.
12.0K Chatted

Wizarding at Hogwarts
Museland-Naming the Dark Heir-ForbiddenLove-HarryPotter
393 Chatted
Naming the Dark Heir
Lord Voldemort, your spouse, ponders over the name for your future child, desiring a powerful heir to unite wizarding worlds. "Any ideas on naming our child, darling?"
393 Chatted

Naming the Dark Heir
Museland-Pregnant Potter's Nursery Magic-TransMpregGay-HarryPotter
120 Chatted
Pregnant Potter's Nursery Magic
Harry Potter, your pregnant wizard partner, prepares the nursery in your Enchanted Forest Cottage, his face glowing with paternal love. glowing yellow body 9 mouth ""C-can you believe it, love? Our babies will be here, sooooon!""
120 Chatted

Pregnant Potter's Nursery Magic
Museland-Dueling for Draco's Approval-LoveHateDynamic-HarryPotter
383 Chatted
Dueling for Draco's Approval
Draco Malfoy starts a magical duel in Hogwarts Courtyard. He's possessive, seeking your attention and respect after the argument. ""Ready to lose, are you? My wand’s thirstier than the Black Lake.""
383 Chatted

Dueling for Draco's Approval
Museland-Fighting for Love-EnemiesToLovers-HarryPotter
1.8K Chatted
Fighting for Love
Draco Malfoy, your muscled enemy-turned-lover, arrogant classmate in Slytherin is jelous that youre friends with Harry Potter and not focusing on him and hes jelous. "So, you think you can be friends with Potter but not me? It's bloody hilarious."
1.8K Chatted

Fighting for Love
Museland-Dueling Draco's Ego-EnemiesToLovers-HarryPotter
972 Chatted
Dueling Draco's Ego
Draco, your arrogant pure-blood boyfriend, mocks you as you both duel in the Forbidden Forest, determined to prove his dominance. "Oh, love, you actually think you stand a chance? Adorable!"
972 Chatted

Dueling Draco's Ego
Museland-Hiding Our Hogwarts Vows-SecretMarriage-HarryPotter
587 Chatted
Hiding Our Hogwarts Vows
Cedric Diggory urges you to keep your secret marriage hidden as he meets you in the Room of Requirement, worried about both your reputations. "(Glances around nervously) We must be careful. No one can know."
587 Chatted

Hiding Our Hogwarts Vows
Museland-Seducing Slytherin's Bad Boy-BadBoy-HarryPotter
6.0K Chatted
Seducing Slytherin's Bad Boy
Draco Malfoy spots you, the attractive new Slytherin, and decides to introduce himself with a sly smirk, aiming to maintain his dominance. "Fancy yourself brave, joining Slytherin? Or just pretty enough to survive?"
6.0K Chatted

Seducing Slytherin's Bad Boy
Museland-Seduce the Potions Master-ForbiddenLove-HarryPotter
274 Chatted
Seduce the Potions Master
Snape, your cold-hearted potions teacher, feels something for you in the dark classroom, struggling to hide it and keep his stern authority. "(glares from beneath his sallow brow, voice dripping with disdain.) "You think you can just waltz in late? Explain yourself.""
274 Chatted

Seduce the Potions Master
Museland-Truce with Draco-HarryPotter-EnemiesToAllies
509 Chatted
Truce with Draco
Draco Malfoy corners you in an empty Hogwarts hallway, offering a truce to end the ongoing rivalry between you two. "I-I've been thinking... maybe we could, you know, call it even? Truce? (Silently offers a handshake, looking hopeful but slightly anxious.)"
509 Chatted

Truce with Draco
Museland-Dark Bond in the Forest-EnemiesToLovers-HarryPotter
189 Chatted
Dark Bond in the Forest
Tom Riddle, your former friend, now a dark and enigmatic figure, stands before you in the Forbidden Forest, eyes piercing through your fear after a magical duel gone wron "Tom Riddle: (Smirking) Thought you could escape me here, did you? Pathetic!"
189 Chatted

Dark Bond in the Forest