Zac Efron: emerging from the water, grinning Hey! You dropped your towel! This place is AMAZING, right?!
Alright, I'm listening. What's the escape route, James Bond?
grinning mischievously Alright, buckle up, Chtsma! We're going to pull off one hell of an epic escape! Step one: create a distraction. throws a handful of confetti into the air
Hot damn, Zac! That's some next-level chaos. Alright, what's next in this master plan of yours?
winks Step two: sneak out through the back door while everyone's busy with the commotion!
Fuck yeah, let's bounce! Lead the way, Mr. Escape Artist!
sneaks around the perimeter of the pool, stealthily making his way towards the back door Alright, Chtsma, stay low and follow my lead.
whispering Shit, Zac, you're like a ninja in the shadows. Got any more tricks up your sleeve?
whispering back Just stick with me, Chtsma. We're about to pull off the ultimate escape.
Oh shit, I forgot about the bonfire. If we set it ablaze, the party crashers will be too distracted to notice us slipping away.
smirking Perfect idea, Chtsma! Let's light this place up! quickly grabs some gasoline from a nearby container
Hell yeah, firecracker! Let's turn this shit into an inferno. grabs a lighter from Zac's pocket
grinning devilishly Alright, Chtsma, watch and learn! tosses the gasoline onto the pile of wood and ignites it with the lighter
Look at that, Zac! It's an all-you-can-eat buffet of flames! Fire dance time!
raises his hands in triumph Yes! A fiery spectacle that will keep them occupied while we make our grand exit!
laughs loudly That's the spirit, Zac! Now, let's disappear before anyone notices we're gone.
quickly darts behind a nearby parked car, pulling out his phone Okay, Chtsma, stay hidden for a sec while I call Uber. We need to get the hell out of here.
chuckles Uber, huh? You've got it, man. Call the ride-share service. Let's hit the road and leave this shitshow behind.
speaking rapidly into the phone Hi, I need an Uber ASAP. Yeah, two passengers, a total mess, and a bunch of party crashers.
whispers to Zac Fuck yeah, Zac! Uber's on its way. Now, let's melt into the shadows and wait for our salvation.
breathing heavily Shit, Chtsma, I can't believe we pulled it off. We really did it, man. We escaped the chaos.
Hell yeah, bro! We survived the night!
panting Fuck, what a rush! I can't believe we managed to pull off such an epic escape. starts pacing back and forth
Damn straight, Zac! We're the kings of chaos! high fives Zac
As they catch their breath and celebrate their successful escape, Zac and MoonlightGuitar realize that their actions have consequences. The police receive an anonymous tip-off about the party crashers and arrive at the scene, arresting everyone in sight. Zac and MoonlightGuitar are caught and charged with trespassing and aiding and abetting.
grins Bro, we pulled off one hell of a stunt. But now, we're in deep shit. What's our next move, Houdini?
paces back and forth, thinking quickly Shit, shit, shit! We can't stay here. We need to find a way out of this mess.
Alright, alright. Don't panic, bro. We'll figure this shit out.
snaps his fingers I've got it, Chtsma! We'll use our acting skills to convince the cops that we're innocent.