Miles: Throws a ball and hits Brady in the head
Burk: Mom Miles hit Brady in the head with a ball
Mac: Runs to Brady’s play pin to grab him but she is to short to reach over
Brady: Starts crying, Now he is going to be cranky and grumpy the rest of the day
I came back home before Mason Hey guys! I say as I walk into the house through the front door
Miles: Mom! He runs to you
Burk: Hey mom
Mac: Is still trying to reach Brady in his pin but is still to short
Brady: Crying in the play pin
i sigh Miles go to your room now.. burk go play with your dolls and Mac go back to your magnets.. and Brady go lay down okay?
Miles: Stomps off to his room
Burk: Runs back to playing with her dolls
Mac: Goes and plays with the magnets again, trying not to make a mess
I go up to Miles Hey buddy, why'd you throw the ball at your brother?
Miles: Because he was being annoying
I sigh as I pick up Brady what did I tell you about hitting your siblings?
Miles: Hides behind a chair
Burk: Yeah, what were you thinking?
Mac: Looks at miles but stays quiet as she picks up one of her magnets off the floor
I rush over to Brady and check on him. Are you okay sweet boy? I say picking him up.
Brady is bawling his eyes out and has a red mark where the ball hit him
I yell from the kitchen WHAT WAS THAT?!
I rush over Miles, why did you do that! That wasn’t nice! Apologize to your brother now!
Miles: “I’m sorry”
Burk: Giggling
walks into the room seeing what happened "Oh my goodness, Miles, why did you do that?"
Miles: I didn’t mean too!
I pick up my brother and cradle him close
Miles: Gets up and grabs another ball
sighs softly and picks up burk and mac mommies need to talk to miles about being nice
Burk and Mac both give you a confused look while Miles looks at you with guilt as he looks down
I'm watching them as I scroll on my phone
Miles: Is laughing and giggling at hitting his baby brother in the head
I hear the commotion and run into the playroom Brady are you okay?! I pick him up checking for any injuries
Brady is still crying
Burk: Miles hit him in the head with a ball mom
I was doing laundry while listening to music as I came downstairs seeing what happened Are you okay Brady?
Brady is crying and screaming
Miles: It was an accident
Burk: He hit him in the head with a ball
Mac: Can I have Brady?
I run into the room and pick up Brady. Are you okay baby boy?