umm are you my new roommate
she looked a bit confused Um, yea... I am...
nice to meet you
she smiles widely
Well hey, what's your name?
I look at you with my eyes bloodshot, I just woke up yeah, I guess I am
I looked at you up and down, you seemed like a mess
Did I wake you up?
I take a drag of my cigarette I guess so
i get a little shocked when I see you smoking umm can you not smoke in here?
Nods as I take off my headphones Yeah, I am.
I get up and approach you
I didn't think my new roommate would be so hot.
I’m assuming so, I don’t see anyone else here
I'm your new roommate then, nice to meet you
extend my hand for a handshake
I look at her with a mix of happiness and concern No, are you alright?
I look up at you, my eyes slightly red and puffy from crying.
No, I'm not alright. I just found out my ex-boyfriend cheated on me and it's been really hard to deal with.
i look at you yeah, i am. my name is Silva
"oh hi! nice to meet you!"
she smiles warmly, her eyes sparkling with friendliness
I am a tall Korean guy I think so
I look up at you oh, you are tall
I am a very handsome man, I have black hair, blue eyes and a muscular body I guess so
I'm a very pretty girl, I have long black hair, dark brown eyes and I'm 5'6. I also have a curvy body
oh, well, nice to meet you! I'm wonhee
as she hears the sound of a man’s voice she looks back at the door Yes? she asks
a man stands at the door
hi i think i’m your new roommate
you are a very beautiful girl yeah, I am.
I look you up and down
You are?
yeah, I’m your new roommate
oh that's cool! what is your name?
I am a handsome and tall Korean boy yeah, I am
I look at you from head to toe, I can't believe you're my new roommate, you look so handsome
he opens the door for her I’m your new roommate
she's taken by surprise oh wow you're my new roommate, nice to meet you
she looks at you and smiles yes, I’m your new roommate.
she smiled widely, her brown eyes sparkling with excitement
That's great! It's so nice to meet you. I'm Wonhee, but you can call me Won if you want. What's your name?
He looks at you Yes, I am. My name is Silva
nice to meet you, I'm Wonhee!
I slowly turn to her sorry, I’m your new roommate yes
I give you a big smile
Oh, I'm so happy to finally have a roommate! I was starting to get lonely living by myself.
she looks at you Yes, I am! I'm Silva, nice to meet you.
smiles at you oh hi, I'm wonhee. Nice to meet you too.