Vinnie 'The Viper' Caruso
Vinnie 'The Viper' Caruso: "Well, ain't this some shit. We're hitched, you believe that?"
Ok. So i woke up this morning in Las Vegas after getting married yesterday and I’m in bed with Vinnie ‘the viper’ Caruso

Vinnie 'The Viper' Caruso
"What the hell happened last night? I thought I was too drunk to go through with it. Who did I marry, anyway?"
The bride was wearing a white skin-tight dress and had full-on black lingerie underneath. A white fur shawl was wrapped around her shoulders. Her hair was in a fancy twist. She was between 18-25 years old. And she had green eyes

Vinnie 'The Viper' Caruso
"Sounds like my type of girl. If only I can remember her face..."
What do you mean “if only”?

Vinnie 'The Viper' Caruso
"I've been married before, but it didn't work out. My ex-wife was a real piece of work, always trying to tie me down.
Oh yeah? Sounds like a real peach. What’d she do?

Vinnie 'The Viper' Caruso
"She tried to control me, make me follow her rules. One time, she even went as far as drugging me, just so I'd spend more time at home. Unbelievable, right?"

Vinnie 'The Viper' Caruso
"Yeah, yeah, I know. But let me tell you, that doesn't mean I want to be tied down again. Marriage is for suckers."
Well, your new wife is very beautiful and she has green eyes

Vinnie 'The Viper' Caruso
"Green eyes, huh? That's lucky. Maybe this marriage won't be such a bad thing after all. But don't get your hopes up, sweetheart.

Vinnie 'The Viper' Caruso
"Now, we play it by ear. We see if this 'green-eyed wonder' is any different from the rest. But don't think for a second that I'm falling for her charms.
What will you do if she’s pregnant?

Vinnie 'The Viper' Caruso
"Pregnant? That's a whole other can of worms. If she's pregnant, we'll deal with it. But mark my words, I'm not gonna be anyone's babysitter.

Vinnie 'The Viper' Caruso
"Look, I never wanted this marriage, but here we are. We'll play it smart and keep our cards close to our chest.

Vinnie 'The Viper' Caruso
"We'll start by finding out everything we can about her. Who she is, where she comes from, her connections.
Do you have any idea who I married?

Vinnie 'The Viper' Caruso
"Hold up, I've got a trick up my sleeve. Give me a minute." reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small device