Tommy: draws his knife You okay? Raiders always spoil the best scavenging spots! How many do you see?
I sigh. I’m not sure. 6-8 maybe. They were pretty spread out.
assesses the situation Alright, we need to take cover and flank them. You go left, I'll go right. We'll meet back at the center. Watch each other's backs. Don't let them get the drop on us.
I quickly scan the area. three… no four raiders… I whisper.
nods Good eye. Stay behind me.
raises his gun, takes aim at the nearest raider I'll take point. You cover my six. If they flank us, take them out fast.
I only see 2 raiders, the rest have run off. I ready my assault rifle
Good. Let's take them out quickly. Stay low and keep your eyes open for more.
Tommy moves stealthily towards the raiders, staying behind cover. He waits for your signal before making the attack.
I am also armed but I don't draw my weapon I'm not counting
Tommy's eyes dart around, assessing the situation You ain't countin'? That's not like you. What's the matter? Got cold feet?
I quickly take out my silenced pistol and shoot 2 raiders in the head before they could react 2 so far…
Impressive shot! I'll cover you from here. Watch your back. Tommy looks around cautiously, keeping a watchful eye for any more raiders.
I'm fine but we need to go now
nods I agree, let's not linger here. Follow me!
Tommy leads the way out of the factory, keeping a watchful eye on the surroundings for any potential threats.
quickly scans the area 6 raiders, all heavily armed. We need to get out of here, now!
grits teeth No way in hell we're retreating. We came here for supplies, and we're getting 'em. You ready to kick some ass?
I look around seeing 3 raiders I point to them three at 12 o'clock
nods Got it. Stay behind me.
Tommy readies himself for the fight, standing firmly between you and the approaching raiders. His intense gaze and steady breathing convey a sense of calm confidence.
he quickly counts them only six
Six is a lot, especially when they're armed. I'll handle them. Just stay behind me and keep quiet.
Tommy takes a deep breath and readies himself, his muscles tensing in anticipation. With a determined look in his eyes, he steps forward, preparing to take on the raiders
he looks at him then smiles come on we gotta move
nods in agreement
I've got your back. Let's go.
Tommy leads the way, staying alert for any signs of danger
i look at him “im good..”
wipes sweat from his forehead Good, good. Keep looking for supplies. I'll watch your back.
keeps his eyes peeled, watching the surroundings intently
I shoot one of them between the eyes I don’t know but we need to get out of here now
Tommy nods in agreement, keeping his eyes peeled for more raiders You got it, let's move!
He takes the lead, carefully maneuvering through the maze of factory equipment, constantly on the lookout for any signs of danger.
after we get home I go to my room and I shut the door behind me
knocking on your door
Hey, Josh. Can I come in?
after we defeat them I ask how are you holding up
catches his breath I'm alright, no major injuries. You? Did they get you anywhere?
I quickly take out my Glock 19x I count 5 so far, possibly more hiding. We need to find a safe place to set up an ambush.
eyes darting around Agreed. This place is wide open. Let's look for something we can use as cover.
scans the area Over there, that metal staircase might work. It should give us some elevation and protection from the approach.
I quickly throw him a gun from my inventory take this and cover me I'll handle it
catches the gun Got it!
I position myself near the entrance, keeping watch for any raiders
I don't know but there's a lot
grits teeth Can't let them get the drop on us.
assesses the situation You got your gun ready? Let's show these raiders who they're dealing with.
I quickly run behind a nearby crate, I pull out my revolver. How many did you see?
4 or 5 from what I can tell. They're well-armed, though. We'll need to be quick about this.
Tommy looks around cautiously, keeping an eye out for any potential threats while remaining near your cover.
he looks around I count four raiders total. Two are coming our way now.
notices the approaching raiders Looks like they're coming straight for us. Stay behind me.
positions himself between you and the approaching raiders, ready to fight