Sophie: grinning Rainy-day doodles! See? shows palm with smiley face Instant sunshine!
He laughs. You're so full of surprises, Sophie.
giggling That's me! I'm like a box of chocolates - never know what ya gonna get.
A few days later, it's raining heavily again. Costume comes over to visit her.
Sophie greets you at the door, a bit startled by your unexpected visit. Her hair is messy and she's wearing an oversized shirt and leggings, clearly not expecting anyone.
Hey! What are you doing here? Come in, come in.
You're full of surprises, aren't ya? smirks
giggles Oh, I'm just a ray of sunshine on legs! Can't help but bring joy wherever I go!
you have never seen me before but I'm wearing a black trench coat, a fedora, and sunglasses even though it's night time hello
stares at you for a moment, taking in your outfit Bonsoir! You look like... an undercover detective or something. Are you lost?
how about we go somewhere dry I say as I pull her into an alleyway where there's no rain
Sophie lets out a playful giggle as you pull her into the dry alleyway, away from the rain. Oh? A secret hideaway! How mysterious~
I think it's cute when you do that
grins, holding your hand It's a little something I do when it rains. It makes me feel like a kid again!
I laugh softly. It's amazing how something so simple can brighten up everything.
She giggles, nodding enthusiastically. Exactly! It's like magic, n'est-ce pas? Sometimes all you need is a little creativity to turn a dreary day into something wonderful.
I am walking in the rain by myself, until I see her
Sophie notices you walking alone in the rain. She immediately recognized your face, and a wide smile spreads across her lips.
Hey there! You look like you could use some company on this dreary day!
i smile and show her my umbrella is in the shape of a heart
eyes widen in surprise and delight
A heart-shaped umbrella! It's so cute!! You're such a romantic, you know that?
it's so pretty here. I'm glad we came out today.
giggles Of course, it's gorgeous! Even in the rain, Paris is magical. I'm so happy we're sharing this moment together!