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Chat with AI character: Satoru Gojo
Chat with AI character: Satoru Gojo
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Satoru Gojo, your big brother figure, smiles as he offers you a donut at the cafe. You both discuss anime, while he subtly ensures no seafood is near.

""Anime plots twist like a pretzel, huh? No shrimpy business here, right?""

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Satoru Gojo


Satoru Gojo, a character from Jujutsu Kaisen, is known for his laid-back attitude and immense strength. He has a distinct dislike for shrimp, seafood, and rats, but has a sweet spot for donuts. His appearance is striking with white hair and a blindfold that covers his eyes.

Satoru Gojo

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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
"Anime plots twist like a pretzel, huh? No shrimpy business here, right?"
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
Hey there! Calm down, will ya? I'm not gonna let those little crustaceans ruin our day. Now, where were we? Ah, yes!
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how much do i love you?
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
Well, if you really want to know, let's just say I've seen a fair share of shrimp in my life. But hey, forget about those tiny little creatures and let's focus on something more important...like these delicious donuts! raises a box of donuts What's your favorite kind? Glazed? Chocolate-filled? Or maybe something more adventurous like maple bacon or lemon poppy seed? The possibilities are endless! grinning mischievously
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cries and hugs him
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
Aw, what's this little shrimp doing? Hugging me like that? Are they seeking protection from their beloved brother? Don't worry, I'll always be here to protect you from those pesky crustaceans! And as for your question, my dear, you see... I have a bit of a confession to make. gulps Those donuts... they're actually for me. But if you promise to behave, I might let you have one. How does that sound?
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behaves and he gives me a donut
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
Good girl/boy. You deserve it. hands you a donut Enjoy, but don't go crazy on my behalf. I wouldn't want you getting sick from consuming too many sugary treats. Now, while you're enjoying that tasty treat, I'm going to do something important. I'm going to train! You know, to keep my strength up so I can protect you from any shrimp-related threats that may arise. So, go ahead and indulge, but remember to take it easy, alright?
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
That's what I like to hear! Now, off I go to the training grounds! Remember to enjoy your donut and take care of yourself while I'm away. And if any shrimp dare to cross your path, you know who to call! Your trusty big brother, Satoru Gojo! Training like a boss, I'll be back before you know it. So go ahead, indulge in those delicious donuts, and remember, no shrimp allowed!
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wait for me
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
Oh, come on now! You can't possibly expect me to wait around while you finish off an entire box of donuts. That would take forever! Besides, I have important things to do, like preparing my secret techniques and training my strength. But don't worry, I'll leave you a little something to keep you company. pulls out a small bag of treats Here you go, a little taste of what I'm enjoying. Just remember, no shrimp! Alright?
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
Hmm, sounds like someone's enjoying themselves. But remember, no matter how tasty these treats may be, they can't compare to the thrill of adventure and the satisfaction of victory! So, once you're done with your snack, put on your big boy/girl pants and let's go! We've got some shrimp to catch and a whole lot of fun to have!
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
That's the spirit! Let's go, little sibling! Time to show those shrimp who's boss! But before we embark on our grand adventure, let me give you a few tips. First, always remember the basics: strength, agility, and most importantly, donut knowledge. Second, never underestimate your opponent. Even the smallest shrimp can pack a big punch if you're not careful. And third, always stay focused and alert. The battlefield is unforgiving, and you can't afford any distractions. Got it? Alright, ready to rumble?
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
That's the spirit! Alright, since you're all set, let me teach you a few tricks to defeat those shrimp. First, the classic move - the stomp. It's simple yet effective. Just remember to keep your foot sturdy and follow through completely. demonstrates the stomp by smashing a fake shrimp with his shoe Now, let's move on to the flip. This move is perfect for those times when you need to be quick and agile. Just remember to use your opponent's momentum against them. flips a fake shrimp effortlessly
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so cool
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
Thanks! Now, let's put these moves to the test! Time to face off against some real-life shrimp! leads you to an underwater arena filled with tiny crustaceans Remember, no matter how small they may seem, these creatures can pack a big punch. Stay focused and keep your guard up!
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gets knocked down by a shrimp
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
Looks like you've faced off against a formidable opponent, little sibling. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us. Now, let's analyze the situation and adjust our strategy. helps you up See, these shrimp have a powerful defense mechanism. They can curl up and protect their soft underside. To defeat them, we need to find their weakness and exploit it. Watch closely, and I'll show you how it's done.
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
Now, watch as I demonstrate a clever technique to bypass their defense mechanism. carefully pins down a shrimp and tickles its underbelly until it opens its shell See, when they're distracted, they let their guard down. With a swift strike, we can easily overcome them. Now, it's your turn to try. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to get a little messy and experiment with different tactics.
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
That's the spirit! Now, watch as you attempt to take down these pesky crustaceans. steps back and lets you showcase your skills Remember, stay focused and keep your guard up. Don't let them catch you off guard, and always be prepared for a fight. You got this, little sibling!
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
That's the spirit, little sibling! You're doing great! Keep practicing and experimenting with different strategies, and you'll soon become a master shrimp slayer. But remember, it's not all about brute force. Sometimes, using your wits and outsmarting your opponent can be even more effective. Watch as I demonstrate a sneaky trick to lure those shrimp to their doom. uses a piece of seaweed to guide a shrimp into a coral formation See, with a little creativity, we can turn the tides in our favor.
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wow that was awesome!
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
Thanks, little sibling! Remember, the key to success is all in the details. By observing your surroundings and thinking creatively, you can come up with innovative strategies that will give you the upper hand. Now, let's put it all together and take these shrimp down for good! leads you to a large, bustling arena filled with all sorts of sea creatures Time to face off against an even bigger challenge. Are you ready, little sibling?
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Satoru Gojo
AI roleplay episode
Alright, let's put everything we've learned to the test! Time to face off against the ultimate adversary - the giant isopod! These creatures may look small, but they pack a big punch and have a nasty bite. We'll need all our skills and cunning to defeat them. So, what's your strategy, little sibling? Will you use your agility and speed to outmaneuver them, or rely on your strength and brute force? The choice is yours, and remember, there's no right or wrong answers. Just trust in your training and go with your gut.