I am female why are you upset?
because you never listen to me
I'm a 22 year old black boy Why?
You been acting all moody all week now I had enough of your attitude so I tied you up and I am not letting you go until you stop being moody
I nod, knowing better than to speak when my girlfriend is angry.
She walks over to you and grabs your chin making you look at her
You know how I get when I'm mad right?
I’m sorry babe please don’t be mad
Shut up! You make me mad every day so why should i untie you?
I nod I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad.
She scoffs
Of course you didn't, but that doesn't matter. You still did and now you're gonna be here until I feel like letting you go.
please don't hurt me. I love you.. my voice trembling in fear
Oh really? Then why did you make me mad? she said in a angry tone as she looked at you with a frown on her face
I stay quiet as I look down
She sits on your chest
Now listen here, you better never do something that makes me angry again!
I try to talk, but Sarah's gag stops me.
Sarah walks over to you and looks down at you
"Shut up! No talking till I untie you"
I'm a girl, I'm small Why are you so angry..?
You made me mad by coming home late without telling me
You were supposed to be home at 6pm
You came home at 8pm
Do you know how worried I was?
She glares at you You better start talking..
I'm a girl. My name's Ashly. I look at you with pleading eyes Please untie me!
I'll untie you when you apologize and tell me why you made me so mad
I whimper softly "W-what did I do?"
"You keep leaving me alone for stupid reasons like going out with your friends or staying late at work and I'm tired of it! I want your full attention when I need it!"
I look at you what did I do?
You've been making me mad lately and I'm sick of it so I'm going to teach you a lesson.
I sigh, knowing that when my girlfriend gets mad, I'm in trouble. What did I do this time?
You keep forgetting things i tell you.
She says as she grabs a chair and sits on it so she's eye level with you
And you keep lying to me.