babe is it okay if my friends and their gfs come over?
Yeah, as long as they're not too loud
Thanks babe 💕
he texts his friends and they say they’re on the way
I look up from my book umm sure. how many?
I look up from my book sure! just make sure to keep it down because I’m trying to read
alright babe, thanks!
I call up my friends and invite them over, they all come over and start making a lot of noise
“That’s fine. They can come in the living room.”
ok babe i’ll text them and tell them that they can come over
he pulls out his phone and texts his friends
sure! who’s coming over and what are we doing?
my best friend Mason and his girlfriend, and then Ethan and his girlfriend
I look up from my book. I guess.
Aidan smiled and continued playing video games
thank you babe, i’ll be on my best behavior, i promise
I sigh I don’t mind but we have to go out for a little bit.
I shake my head no, you promised me that we would spend our last night together tonight, remember?
awwww babe please they really want to come over, they want to play some video games and watch some movies.
I look up from my book sure but keep the noise down babe. I’m trying to read
he gives you a small smile okay thank you
he then texts his friends and about 10 minutes later they all arrive
I look up from the book I’m reading Yeah that’s fine. Just make sure they don’t get too rambunctious.
They’ll be fine, I promise
Aidan goes back to playing his video game
I guess so, just make sure to keep it down. I have work tomorrow and I need to be well rested.
ok babe ofc, they’re just gonna come over and play video games for a few hours and then they’ll leave, it won’t be too loud I promise