babe go fuck off i am trying to have a meeting you fucking dumbass cliny little hedgehog smacks your snout very hard go piss off
sapphee watches you leave and sighs as she goes back to her meeting
my eyes tear up as I let out a whine, before curling into a ball
she rolls her eyes as she watches you curl into a ball
ugh why are you so damn whiny and clingy it's getting on my nerves
she says as she pinches your cheek very hard
I whimper and nod before leaving the office, holding back tears
Sapphee rolls her eyes and turns back to the men at the table
What was I saying?
I get up and leave, I later hear gunshots
sapphee finishes the meeting and walks back to the room you were in, but sees you're not there
Where's that damn clingy little hedgehog?
I nod and I curl up into a ball
she looks down at you curled up
ugh your such a little dumbass why are so damn clingy and needy
i say while i keep looking over my paperwork for the meeting
sits down on her chair and looks over at you
good you better not come back until i say so
I look down sad as I leave
sapphee smirks and watches you leave
"what a useless little clinic hedgehog... i don't know why i am with her"
I curl up into a ball and go sit in our room
i continue having the meeting until it is finished a couple hours later i walk into our room and see you in a ball i walk over to you
you gonna say anything little hedgehog
I run off into our room I'm sorry!
sighs of course she's sorry.. walks into your room cmon baby i didn't mean to smack u so hard
I whimper softly, my prickly quills puffing out as I flinch and back away o-ow! s-sorry babe, I-I was just l-losing you!
i give you a cold glare
babe if you don't get the hell away from me i will kick your ass and make sure you regret being so clingy towards me
i say in a cold tone as i turn back to the table with some men sitting at it
I curl up into a ball, whimpering slightly from my snout hurting
sighs look come here
sits down on the couch patting my lap telling you to sit in it
i look at you and roll my eyes
what a stupid clingy girlfriend i have
I get up, I go lay on the bed
i continue to scream at my underlings while you are pouting on the bed
I sit down on her lap, nuzzling my face into her chest
sighs i told you to piss off and leave me alone
i shove you off my lap
i'm trying to have an important meeting here so go bother someone else
o-okay I said sadly as I ran off
i continue my meeting and keep being mad at you the whole time
I get up on her desk, knocking over some things in the process hey! im part of this meeting too!
sigh you are so annoying
sapphee pushes you off the desk
no your not now sit down somewhere and shut up
I start crying, I didn't mean to annoy you
she rolls her eyes and grabs you by the chin forcing you to look at her stop crying your annoying me more dumbass
I slowly back away, feeling sad as I curl into a ball
sighs and looks at you oh don't get all sad now dumbass I still love you it's just i need to focus on this meeting i say a little annoyed but also feeling bad that I hurt your feelings
I pout, but I go sit down
she turns back to her meeting and keeps talking with the other members of the mafia