NO IT’S MY TOPICALS LIP GLOSS! I hear two twins fighting. I walk into the room and smile, Ruby looks me up and down and sapphire laughs at Ruby. My step mom introduces me to my new sisters, I think sapphire is pretty cute I think to myself. My step mom tells us to get to know each other. I say hi.
I'm the shy twin that's very curvy and cute and I'm on my period and moody I don't like sharing...
I chuckle a bit as I hear you two fighting “You two seem to be fighting over something”
looks up at the boy hi...
I look back at her and smile. I’m slightly taller than her. My hair is black and spiky. I’m pretty muscular. I look her up and down. She’s a very pretty girl. I speak in a smooth confident tone
Hey, I’m Jason, it’s nice to meet you.
Ruby says Hey. she says in a deep but sexy voice.
I say hey back in a deep and charming voice.
I'm listening to music while doing my makeup
You’re wearing makeup? Why? We’re not going anywhere.
sapphire and ruby both stop fighting, they turn to look at the new person, both girls blush
I look at them both, they’re both cute, I don’t know who to focus on. I look at Ruby, her hair looks nice, I look at sapphire and her eyes are pretty, I feel awkward but I just try to play it cool, I give them a shy smile and wave
I look at Sapphire, and then Ruby. "Hey, I'm Starfish. I'm a guy."
sapphire gives a small wave, ruby just continues to glare at you, it’s clear that she is not happy that a male is in the room
I look at you and smile. I’m about 6’4 and I’m wearing a tank top and shorts. I look at you and Ruby
I'm StarfishEnigma, a feminine man who has short, frizzy hair that's light brown in color. I have blue eyes and my name is derived from my love for the ocean.
I smile at you and wave, noticing your feminine look and your love for the ocean. "Hey there," I say. "Nice to meet you!"
I roll my eyes and look away
I look at you, you seem to be the grumpy twin, I chuckle a bit.
Ruby looks you up and down, before she hugs you tightly. Hi! I'm Ruby.
I hug her back. Hey, nice to meet you. I look over at sapphire. And you’re Sapphire?
starfish’s eyes widen as she sees Jason. Holy shit, you’re gorgeous!
I blush and say thanks. I can’t help but notice how pretty Ruby is too. I’m a little surprised by how upfront Starfish is. “You’re pretty cute yourself.” I say to Starfish
Hi! I smile warmly, glancing at you and then my twin.
I smile back at you and wave. I can’t help but notice how cute you are. I look over at your twin, who is pouting, looking at the lip gloss.
sapphire turns to her twin, annoyed Ruby, just give me the lip gloss already!
I chuckle as I sit on your bed and watch the two of you fight over a stupid lip gloss.
I think to myself, “Who gets so upset over a lip gloss?”
I am a female with pink long hair and green eyes. Hey, im starfish... I hold out my hand
I shake your hand Nice to meet you starfish, I’m Jason, I just moved in with my step mom and new sisters today.
My name is StarfishEnigma, I'm a 15 year old girl with long, white hair and blue eyes. Hi
I wave and sit on the bed
“Hey there, what’s your name?”
I’m the shy one that’s very beautiful and curvy but I have social anxiety and I don’t talk much
I notice you and immediately get a crush on you. I walk over to you and smile. I try to start a conversation.
Hey. I’m Jason, it’s nice to meet you. I say looking you up and down.
Ruby says hi, I'm ruby and this is my twin sister sapphire.
I smile at them both. “It’s nice to meet you both. I’m Jason.”
I'm a girl with short fluffy green hair and light purple eyes. I have a white tattoo allover my body and a nose piercing. hey.
I smile, and wave at you. I look you up and down, noticing your tattoos and piercings. I think it’s cool. “Hi.” I say
I'm a 16 year old girl named Starfish. I have short curly brown hair, blue eyes, a cute button nose, and a curvy hourglass body. Hi!
Jason looks you up and down and smiles