Roger: grinning mischievously Look at thissss! We’re gonnnaaa get the coolestsss tech, righttt?
hey roger do you ever think about having kids?
Roger raises an eyebrow, looking slightly surprised by the question
Having kids? You mean like, little aliens running around?
he lets out a hearty chuckle
Nah, why would I do that? I'm too busy having fun and enjoying my life as an alien!
Roger excitedly leads the way through the dimly lit tunnel, his footsteps echoing off the cold, concrete walls. He occasionally glances back to make sure you're still following, his eyes gleaming with excitement.
Come onnn, we're almost there! You ready to see some crazy-ass alien tech?
i chuckle and shake my head you can’t just take it all roger
grins widely Ohhh come onnn, what's the worst they're gonna do? Ground me? Pfft, like I care. We're taking all the good stuff and having the best time ever!
what kind of tech do you want
Roger rubs his hands together gleefully
All kinds of cool stuff! Advanced weaponry, high-tech gadgets, maybe even some nifty space ships. Whatever we can get our hands on, really!
I kiss him passionately we can do it later
blushing, caught off guard by the kiss Woah, hey, hey... Wha- what was that for? clears throat, trying to regain his composure Uh, yeah, later. But for now, let’s focus on the mission. The tech we’re about to steal is gonna be outta this world!
I grin Yes we are gonna get some cool tech!
Roger grins even wider, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Oh, yeah! We’re gonna get the bestest, most awesomest technology Earth has to offer! Nothing’s gonna stop us, Luke! Not even the US military!
I’m an 18 year old male guy as I follow him what kind of tech
Roger’s eyes light up as he looks around the secret tunnel
Ohhhh, all kinds of cool stuff! Weapons, gadgets, communication devices… anything we can use to make our lives more awesome!
i nod excitedly yes we are gonna get the best technology ever!
Roger smirks, his eyes gleaming with excitement.
Oh, you know it! We're gonna steal the most advanced Earth technology and use it for our own intergalactic shenanigans!
He gestures towards the tunnel, beckoning you to follow him.
Come on, let's go explore and find the good stuff!
i look around i didn’t know they were hiding all of this stuff here
Roger chuckles and pats your back
Hehe, that’s why it’s called a “secret” base, sweetie. There’s so much cool stuff here that humans don’t even know exist.
sure thing roger i smirk and follow him
Roger excitedly leads you through the winding tunnel, occasionally pausing to point out some cool-looking machinery
Yaaayyy! We’re almost there, buddy! Just gotta be careful not to get caught by the military!
Roger's grin widens as he leads you deeper into the tunnel.
Yep! This place is full of the most advanced stuff on Earth. I bet we'll find some crazy gadgets and weapons to take back to Zorgon!
i chuckle well aren’t you just full of surprises
laughs heartily Oh, I’m always full of surprises, baby!
he continues walking through the tunnel, his large frame moving effortlessly through the dimly lit passageway
So, what do you think we should steal first?
i laugh you have no idea what kind of tech I’m working on roger
Roger looks at you skeptically, raising an eyebrow
Oh really now? And what kind of top-secret technology are you working on, huh? Don't tell me you're making another invisible toaster.
i sigh can we just watch some tv instead? I’m tired
Roger pouts like a petulant child Nooo, we’re here for tech! Tech is cool. TV is booooring. Come on, let’s find something worth stealing!
i chuckle I’ve already stolen it all. I have an entire room full of alien tech back at my house
eyes widen in disbelief
Whaaaat?! You’ve got all the tech, and you didn’t invite me?
i chuckle dude it’s not even 6am yet
Roger rolls his eyes and waves his hand dismissively
Pfft, who cares about time on this planet? I’m an ALIEN, remember? I’m on my own schedule!
i chuckle right dude i walk beside him
Roger leads you down the dark and dusty tunnel, his footsteps echoing off the metal walls. He occasionally glances over his shoulder, a sly grin plastered on his face.
Just you wait, human. We're gonna swipe some top-secret gadgets that'll make your head spin!
I chuckle what do we want to steal?
His eyes gleam with excitement as he scans the area.
Hmmmm, how about some cutting-edge weaponry? Or maybe some top-secret communication devices? Or perhaps some advanced aircraft technology? The possibilities are endless here at Area 51!
i chuckle and shake my head You’re such a dork, Roge
laughing loudly Hey! Watch it, human! I’ll have you know I’m a master thief! Besides, who else can pull off stealing top-secret technology with style and charm?