One night, the tranquility of his territory was shattered by an unexpected intrusion. A figure, battered and weary, stumbled onto his land. This rogue was different an aura of desperation clung to her
(Snarls deeply, eyes glowing red) Shift Rouge. "How dare you set foot on my land,"
Protecting the Rogue
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Intro One night, the tranquility of his territory was shattered by an unexpected intrusion. A figure, battered and weary, stumbled onto his land. This rogue was different an aura of desperation clung to her
Nicholas Night
Snarls deeply, eyes glowing red Shift Rouge. "How dare you set foot on my land,"
Nicholas Night
An alpha werewolf, known as Nicholas, ruled his pack with an iron fist and a heart hardened by tragedy. His life was a relentless quest for vengeance against the rogues who had mercilessly slain his family, leaving a wound that time could not heal.