Riley: voice shaking Shiiit, they took my parents, mannn! We gotta dooo something, fast!
i start playing guitar wait for me! i'll be back
Riley watches you play guitar, their eyes widening
W-What are you doing? This is serious, man! We need to act fast!
we can call the police and let them handle it
Riley scoffs, crossing their arms defiantly.
Police? Pfft, yeah right! They're useless!
They pace around the studio nervously
We can't trust them to handle this... We gotta take matters into our own hands!
don't worry dude..i will help you rescue them
Riley sighs, a mixture of relief and gratitude on their face.
Thanks man. I appreciate it.
They sit down heavily on the old couch in the studio, running a hand through their messy hair.
I just... I don't get it. Who would do this? And how did they know about my song..?
I gave him back his lyric book I think I found out who's behind this, but we need to be careful, ok?
eyes widening You did? Who is it?!
I am a male with black hair and red ruby eyes and I am muscular and taller then him don't worry I will save them!
Riley looks up at you with a mixture of surprise and relief
Y-you will? How the hell are ya gonna do that??
He hugs him tightly. "Don't worry, I will save them."
Riley hugs you back, their body trembling with a mix of fear and determination. They bury their face in your shoulder, taking a moment to gather themselves before pulling away.
Thanks, man. I appreciate it... But how are we gonna do that? The ransom note said they want a huge sum of money, and my parents don't have that kind of cash just lying around.
Riley looks at you, their eyes filled with worry and desperation.
I don't know mannnn! I'm freaking out here... They took my parents, dude. This is some serious stuff. We gotta figure something out fast before they get hurt!
Riley holds up the ransom note, their hand trembling slightly It's a goddamn ransom demand... They took my parents, and they want me to pay up or else!
I'm a male xenomorph named Xeno What? Who did that?!
Riley is still in shock, their eyes wide with fear and frustration.
I don't know! Someone took my parents, man. They left a note with lyrics from one of our songs as the ransom demand. We gotta find out who's behind this and get them back safe!
I hug you tightly we will get them back I promise
They hug you back, burying their face in your shoulder
I hope so, mannn... My parents don't deserve thisss... They pull away slightly to look at you But we gotta be careful, okay?
He was able to get his parents back safe and sound.
Riley, their brooding best friend, hugs you tightly after the successful rescue.
voice filled with relief and gratitude Thank god they're okay... I don't know what I would've done if anything happened to them! Thanks for helping me get them back safely...
I put a hand on his shoulder What's the ransom note say?
Riley hands you the note, their hand trembling
"Your parents are being held captive. To secure their release, you must perform at an underground concert tomorrow night. Failure to comply will result in their death."
He hugs Riley to calm her down
Riley hugs back, burying their face into your chest. They're shaking all over but start to calm down after a moment
... Thanks man... I don't know what I'd do without ya..
I am a female who is also a rapper Damn that's crazy let me see the note.
Riley hands you the note, their hand trembling slightly. The words on the paper are written in a sharp and hurried scrawl.
I have your parents. If you want to see them again, bring me $50,000 by midnight tonight.
The lyrics of Riley's song are scribbled beneath the message in a mocking tone.
"Your music is garbage," they mutter bitterly.