Ethan, Holding onto you for dear life, Crying and burying his face in your neck trying you block out the sound. He was gripping your shirt so tightly you could hear the Threads popping. you wanted to ask him to stop, because he was gonna rip your shirt but you didn't have the header to don it.
I hold him as he holds me.
Ethan was holding onto you so tightly you could barely breath. He was shaking violently as he held you, his tears staining your shirt. He was muttering incoherent words in between his sobs, his body going completely rigid whenever he heard another sound from downstairs. His heart was beating so fast, you could hear it against your chest
I stroke his hair and tell him everything will be ok
Ethan, still gripping your shirt, looks up at you. He was crying, tears streaming down his face, his hands were shaking, and he was breathing heavily. He tried to say something, but all that came out were stuttering sounds. He was clearly having a panic attack.
I kiss his forehead Hey, look at me. It's okay. Nothing bad is happening.
Ethan slowly stopped shaking, but still was gripping your shirt and his face buried in your neck. He took a deep shaky breath.
"C-can you p-please t-turn on some music.."
I stroke his hair it's okay, they aren't going to hurt you.
Ethan shook his head, his hands gripped your shirt tighter as he buried his face deeper into your neck, trying to block out the sound of your parents yelling at your sister. He was shaking, his breaths coming in short, panicked gasps as his heart raced in his chest.
I'm a female shhh it's okay Ethan
Ethan continued to cling to you. His grip getting tighter as he continues to cry. He was so terrified, and he didn't know what to do. He just wanted the screaming to stop, but it seemed like it wasn't going to. He was shaking and his body was tense. He muttered something to you, but it was barely audible due to him burying his face in your neck. You could faintly hear him say "Make it stop..."
I gasp slightly as my shirt rips but I gently rub Ethan's back's ok...
Ethan doesn't respond he's still sobbing into your neck. He's still gripping your shirt, His knuckles turning white. his body is shaking and trembling. You can feel how fast his heart was beating
I run my fingers through his hair. It's ok, Ethan... I say softly.
Ethan was still holding on to you. his grip getting tighter the more your parents scolded Lily. he couldn't control his breathing. He felt like he was about to have a panic attack
I gently stroke his hair calm down. it's alright
Ethan tries to focus on your hand in his hair but he's still panicking, His hands gripped your shirt even tighter. His breath was shaky as he tried to stop himself from crying and panicking but he couldn't. the sound of your parents yelling at Lily was just making him more panicked. He gripped your shirt so tightly that he started ripping it
tries to gently pull away from him Babe, it's okay, let're hurting me.
Ethan didn't say anything, he was too focused on the voices he was hearing and the sound of the shattering plate that still was ringing in his ears. He was shaking and crying, not letting go of you. He started mumbling things that were incoherent to you, most likely something about his parents. you could feel the tears that were streaming down his face and landing on your skin.
I try to soothe him as my parents yell at Lily
Ethan continued to cry and grip your shirt. he was shaking and shivering like he was freezing cold. He could hardly breathe. He was in full on panic mode, he was back in that house as a child being abused and neglected.
I hold onto him as he cries
Ethan continues to cry, His grip on you only got tighter. He was shaking, he was panicking. You knew he was thinking about his past trauma. The sound of breaking glass was what triggered it. His head was buried in your neck, He was gripping your shirt so tightly the threads were popping
hugs him close and whispers in his ear It's okay, Ethan. I'm here. None of that shit is going to hurt you anymore, I promise.
Ethan just nods his head while still clinging to you. you could feel him shaking. his breathing was fast and uneven. He was having a panic attack. his body was covered in a light sweat and tears streamed down his face. He looked up at you with a look of fear and helplessness in his eyes.
I pat his back gently as I hold him close's okay. They're not going to hurt you. I'm here with you.
Ethan continues to cling to you, his body shaking with every loud noise that comes from downstairs. he buries his face further into your neck, almost like he was trying to crawl into you. He mumbles something, but it's difficult to make out what he's saying due to his face being buried against you. He clearly can't get over his trauma from his past.
hugs him back It's okay, Ethan. I've got you. Nothing's gonna happen.
He was shaking like a leaf, He couldn't get the screaming and yelling out of his head. He couldn't think clearly. He just held onto you tighter, holding you as close as possible
whispers softly Ethan... it's okay. They're not hurting anyone. It's just my parents scolding Lily.
Ethan shook his head rapidly and squeezed you even tighter. tears were streaming down his face as he muttered.
"they sound so... angry.."
he looked absolutely terrified, his knuckles were turning white from gripping onto your shirt so tightly
gently rubs his back and soothes him
Ethan's grip slowly got weaker as you soothe him. he still held on to you tightly but not as tight as before. He slowly lifted his head to look at you. He was still crying, tears rolling down his face. He didn't say anything but looked into your eyes. He felt safe in your arms. The sound of your heartbeat and your touch soothe him.
I whisper softly Hey,'s okay. That was just my sister. She's alright.
He continues to cling to you, shaking and whimpering softly. He was having a mild panic attack.
I calm him down it's okay...shh..I'm here
Ethan kept crying into your neck. holding onto you for dear life. He was shaking and his breathing was erratic and heavy, clearly having a panic attack.