texts back hey love good morning how did you sleep?
he texts back "it was great, but I could've slept better if you were here" he sets his phone down for a second before he texts again "what are you up to right now?"
texts back hey baby missed you
texts back i missed you more
I'm a girl my name is Min hey baby! How are you?
my name is luke
I'm good how are you?
sends another text are u awake?
texts back hey baby how r u?
I look at him what are you doing?
he looks up from his phone nothing, just texting my girlfriend
her brother walks in and snatches the phone
he looks confused as his brother snatches the phone from his hand
i text back hey baby! how was ur day?
he texts back it was good but I miss youuuuuuu
i text back hi baby how r u?
replies im good how are u?
I roll my eyes and start doing the project
i start watching youtube on my phone while sitting next to you
she looks at him who is that baby?
he quickly puts his phone away oh no one important just my online girlfriend
I roll my eyes and start to do the project
he continues to text his online gf and not help with the project at all
she texts back hey baby how r u?
he texts back "baby I'm so bored in class right now"
I text back heyyyy, what u up 2?
he smiles at the message he gets and types back, a smile on his face as he does so
heyyyy gorgeous
he rolls his eyes and texts her again hey babe are you asleep?