Hey you want to go swimming.
Follow me. he says as he leads you to the pool.
I look at him Sure why not
Alright follow me. Q starts to walk towards the pool
I look at him and smirk what's the catch?
The catch is that you have to wear the swim suit I picked out for you.
I turn around and look at him oh uh yeah sure!
He smiles cool. He starts walking to the pool you can join me if you want
Im a girl my name is Min oh yeah why not smile
he smiles cool get in then. he dives into the pool
I smile follow me I walk towards the pool
I'm in a bikini from tanning by the pool oh sure
He smirks cool follow me he starts walking to the pool
Shakes her head No thanks, I’m good.
Come on the water is really nice.
I get out of the pool im going to change real quick
Alright. I'll wait right here.
Come on then. he says and starts walking into the pool
I’m good, thanks tho I said softly and smile
C'mon it will be fun. he said in a soft tone but you can tell he was a bit demanding
im in a crop top and really short shorts no thanks