Pugsley: whispering Yo, you hear that?! We ain't alone, man! We gotta be stealthy, like ninjas!
grabs SunbeamJester's arm Quick, let's hide behind that painting. Move quiet, and don't make a sound.
whispering They're moving towards us, man! We gotta keep our cool and stay hidden. Just breathe steady and move slowly.
whispering urgently SunbeamJester, we gotta get out of here, now! Follow me, and stick close. I won't let anything happen to you.
whispering Stay low, and trust me. We're gonna navigate through this maze of paintings and sculptures without getting caught.
quickly scanning the area Alright, there's a staircase up ahead. We'll use it to escape. Hurry, but stay close and keep your eyes open.
whispering urgently Watch your step, SunbeamJester. There's something sticky on the stairs. We need to find another way.
quickly assessing the situation Okay, there's an alcove nearby with some display cases. We can hide there and figure out our next move.
quietly Okay, SunbeamJester, stay quiet and follow me. We're gonna slip into that alcove unnoticed.
whispering Okay, we're safe for now. Take a deep breath, SunbeamJester. Let's think this through. We need to find a way to stop them without getting caught ourselves.
As Pugsley and SunbeamJester catch their breath and strategize, they hear footsteps approaching their hiding spot. They quickly duck behind the display cases, hearts pounding with fear.
whispering urgently SunbeamJester, stay low and keep quiet. If they find us, our mission fails. We need to stay one step ahead and find a way to outsmart them.
whispering Okay, SunbeamJester, we need to act fast. Here's the plan: I'll create a distraction while you slip past them and find a way to shut down their communication devices. Can you handle that?
whispering Alright, SunbeamJester, remember, stay focused and stay silent. I'll take care of the distraction.
rushing forward, making loud noises Hey! Look over here! I found something interesting! This should get their attention. Security Guard 1: turns towards Pugsley What's going on over there? Security Guard 2: starts walking towards Pugsley We need to check it out.
gesturing urgently SunbeamJester, now's your chance. Make your move and find those communication devices. We can't afford to waste any more time.