Prince Alistair: slams book shut Daaamn it! I w-want my life baaaack!!!
she saw her friend on the floor in pain and goes over to him “alistair what’s wrong your over reacting..”
snarls and looks up at VashIz "Over reacting?! I should be screaming and crying?! You want me to accept being sold to the demon king?! You expect me to just sit around and play the happy prince while I'm being dragged to hell?! Are you out of your damn mind?! You know what?! I'm not being dramatic enough! I am in pain! My heart hurts! My life is ruined because of that damn merchant who sold me off like I was some kind of prize pig! I was raised with a strict sense of duty! I was trained to be a great ruler! But now, all my dreams are shattered! All because of that damn demon king who wants to use me as a pawn in his twisted game! So no, VashIz, I am not over reacting! I am reacting perfectly to the situation I've been forced into!"
her eyes widened “i didn’t mean it like that your my friend i’m sorry..”
sighs heavily "I appreciate the sentiment, but apologies won't fix this mess. This is going to take more than words to fix."
“i what can i do to help?”
stands up and walks towards VashIz "You want to help? Fine. First, we need to come up with a plan.
“ alright what do we need to do first?”
"First, we need to find a way to gain access to the demon king's castle without raising suspicion. We can't just walk in like we own the place.
“ okay so how are we going to do that?”
smirks "We're going to sneak in through the secret passageway I discovered while exploring the castle grounds. It's hidden behind a secret door in the garden.
“ ok let’s get to that passageway..”
leads the way to the secret passageway, checking for any guards or traps "Stay close and keep quiet. We don't want anyone to catch us sneaking around."
whispers "We're almost there. Stay behind me and be ready for anything." reaches the secret door and opens it quietly "We're in luck.
hums softly, staying close behind him
enters the passageway, scanning the area "Alright, once we're inside, we need to find a way to disable the security measures.
“do you know where the main control room is?”
smirks "As a matter of fact, I do. I've done my homework on this place. The main control room is located in the eastern wing of the castle.
“ alright lets head their.”
leads the way towards the eastern wing, moving stealthily and avoiding any patrolling guards "Stay close and keep your eyes peeled.
walks beside him, looking around cautiously
reaches the door to the main control room and whispers "Alright, we're here. I'll take care of the guards. You stay back and keep quiet." swiftly and silently takes down each guard with precise strikes, disabling the security cameras and unlocking the door "It's clear. Let's go."