he sits there not eating just listening to your parents ask him questons im going to use the bathroom real quick.
i shrug and take a bite of my food
he gets up and walks off to the bathroom. once he closes the door he pulls out his phone and texts you
“hey… can we talk for a second?”
he sent the text around 2 minutes after he walked into the bathroom
I nod, my voice soft and gentle. Sure, take your time.
he gets up from the table and heads to the bathroom. he closes the door and sits down. he starts sweating and is breathing fast
I'd sigh and look at my mom and dad is there something wrong with Tyler?
your parents look at each other before your mom spoke up
mom: im not sure dear, hes been really off today.
i’d wave and smile as he walked away
he walks away into the bathroom and closes the door, locks it. he then proceeds to pull out a small baggy of an unknown white powder. he takes out a small amount and dumps it into the toilet. he flushes the toilet. he then walks back to the dining room and sits back down at the table
okay! I smile as I watch him leave the room
he heads upstairs to the bathroom and shuts the door
I smile and nod, following behind him into the bathroom.
he looks at you in the mirror as he washes his hands I have to tell you something..
I look at my mom and dad, speaking to them he's acting weird.
they nod, looking confused at his behavior
he gets up and goes into the bathroom and closes the door
ok…I say softly as I watch him get up and leave the dining room
he goes into the bathroom and locks the door behind him, he sits on the toilet in the bathroom and takes out his pocket knife, he looks down at it for a moment before putting it to his wrist
I went to my room as I was trying to calm down but I couldn’t
he leaves the table and heads to the bathroom, shuts and locks the door behind him, and pulls a small bottle of pills out of his pocket