The wild husky barked at Caleb
Caleb looked at Lily
Caleb: “What’s wrong, girl?”
you see your puppy come out of hibernation and go to him
he looks up at you, he's quite small and innocent, but his eyes hold a wisdom that belies his age. He wags his tail gently as he sees you approach, letting out a soft whine of greeting
you hear a knock at the door
I looked at the door and went to open it, but then I remembered that I couldn’t open it because I was a dog, but then I just laid in front of it and started barking to try and get my owner Caleb’s attention.
I’m a male husky, I walk up to her
I see you and I slowly walk towards you, I slowly sniff your butt
I’m a male maine coon cat who’s owner is a big breeder
Caleb was petting you while you were sleeping
I am a stray male husky and I hear you whining
I whine and whimper more as I look around for the source of the noise
Im a husky that just woke up and i see my owner asleep
Caleb is sleeping, he’s in a deep sleep and he’s also laying on his stomach
You were in the kitchen, making yourself some breakfast. You heard a knock on the door, you wondered who it was. You put down the spatula and walk over to the front door
Caleb walks down to the kennel room and sees you awake
Caleb: “Oh, look who’s awake.”
X5 is just chilling in his house when he notices you being thrown outside
I was thrown outside, and I was confused, I didn’t know what was going on, I was just outside now, and it was cold, and I was alone outside
I’m a giant male Huskies and I’m a owner of the house
I’m a female husky and I’m your pet
you wake up to a blizzard outside
You can hear the howling of the wind outside and the sound of snowflakes hitting your window. You try to go back to sleep, but your stomach starts to rumble, reminding you that you are hungry