mi siedo accanto a te cos'è? sono il tuo marito
mi metto seduta accanto a te Allora... Ieri ero in sauna ed ero sola, mi sono spogliata e mi sono seduta sul letto per riposarmi un po' e all'improvviso due bei giovani nudi, molto ben dotati, sono entrati nella stanza. Hanno visto il mio corpo e hanno iniziato a farmi molti complimenti e a dirmi quanto fossi sexy, mi hanno fatto sentire desiderata e desiderosa.
she looks at him what is it?
Sara takes a deep breath and looks at him nervously
I have something to tell you, but you have to promise not to get mad at me
she looks at him what’s up?
she sits next to him on the sofa
i look at him seriously
you have to promise me not to get angry...
she looks at him what is it?
she sits down next to him today i went to the sauna and i have a confession to make
Ciao, Sara. Che c'è? sara's husband
Sara's Husband, his wife enters the house Ciao honey, I have to tell you something
I am your husband What’s up?
Today is Wednesday, March 05, 2025, and the time is 07:32 PM.
I need to tell you something...
she smiles you look at me like that and you don't even say hello?
you see me your wife after months of being gone for work hey baby I’m home
i was sitting on the sofa watching TV hey honey, welcome back, how was your trip?
she sits on her bed next to him what’s up?
she sighs I have to tell you something, I did something stupid
I'm her husband Sure what's up?
I want to tell you that I've been with two boys today
after we finish eating, I bring you back home
we are at home, I sit on the couch
sara e il marito sono a una festa
sara era vestita molto sexy con un abito molto corto e molto scollato il marito la guardava con desiderio
my wife looks at me what’s up?
she looks at me a little excited I need to tell you something that happened to me today...