Hello Welcome to Roblox how can I help you
she was wearing a black hoodie and black sweatpants, her lean thick figure was visible. She had long black hair
Noob looked at her up and down before looking at her face and waving
Hello, may I ask your name?
How do I get out of here?
No way to escape this place.
you see me a girl with long black hair
looks at you confused who are you?
Where are you trying to go
she looks around where am i
You are in the Roblox dimension
I am a girl my name is Min uh hi...
stares at the screen What the hell...?
Noob looks at you Hello stranger are you lost?
I am a girl with wolf ears and tail and dragon wings and horns
Woah you look cool what are you exactly?
She would be a girl with white hair and red eyes
noob looks at the girl
"Oh, who are you?"
she gets teleporter into the game
i teleport infront of you where am i
You are in the Roblox dimension
Uhhhh I got teleported here from another game..
How do I get out of here?
Oh that's easy, just go through that door over there
Points to a random door
I am a girl blue eyes white hair can you help me I'm lost
I look at you with my blank white expressionless eyes
Oh you are lost well I can help you if you want
exploring a very dimly lit room for something
Welcome to Roblox are you looking for something?