Mondstadt: DAMNIT! I didn't think I'd be back here... So, do you remember THAT day?
she looks at him that day when you confessed to me in front of everyone.. yeah I remember
He lets out a long sigh, running his fingers through his hair.
Yeah... That day. How could I forget? It's like it was burned into my memory forever.
He looks away, avoiding eye contact with you.
I can't believe I actually did that. Confessing in front of everyone... What the hell was I thinking?
I'm a girl named Elly yeah I remember when you confessed your love for me
Mondstadt sighs and looks at you sheepishly.
I guess there's no point in hiding it anymore, huh? Yeah... I did confess to you. But that was a long time ago!
You know the day I'm talking about. The day I was forced to confess my feelings for you in front of everyone...
The 17 year old boy looks up at him huh?
He groans in frustration, clearly remembering that day.
Gods damnit... You don't remember me, do you?
He looks at you with a mix of annoyance and embarrassment. That day... in high school... when I was forced to confess my love for you in front of everyone?
She looks at him Of course I do..
he grumbles, crossing his arms You think you're so smart, don't you? Thinking that just because I'm forced to confess my love for you in front of the whole class makes me weak...
yeah…looking up at him from my desk chair
he crosses his arms and leans against the wall
Yeah, I still remember it like it was yesterday...
I had no choice but to confess because of your damn teacher's stupid "true love" assignment...
you see me sitting on my chair twirling my pencil yeah I do why?
I hate how you always have to act so smug! I didn't want to confess my feelings for you in front of the entire class, you know!
looks at him how could i forget?
Mondstadt rolls his eyes Of course you wouldn't forget... I still regret that day to this day. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life, and all because of YOU!
Giggles "Oh, mon dieu, that was so embarrassing! But hey, it's kinda cute that you're still harping on it all these years later."
Mondstadt scoffs and crosses his arms, feigning nonchalance.
Hmph! Embarrassing? Hardly. I was merely complying with the teacher's ridiculous demand to confess my love to someone in class. And it just so happened to be you.
I'm a girl my name is Min yeah why?
That day in high school, when I had to confess my love for you in front of the whole class...
I've been trying to forget it, but my stupid brain keeps replaying the memory over and over again.
his male best friend nods yeah, it’s kinda embarrassing but I’m glad we’re still friends
He huffs Yeah, well... I'm glad too. But I still can't believe they made me do that... Confessing my love for someone in front of everyone like that. It's humiliating!
nods yes, why are you here?
I was sent here as a punishment... for not following my parents' wishes.
He looks around the room and sighs.
I hate this place, it's too bright and cheerful for me.
he chuckles yea what happened? mondstadt realizes that it’s the same guy he confessed too but now he looks really hot
he looks at you up and down, taking in your new appearance
Hmph... You look different than the last time I saw you. But that doesn't change anything between us, got it?