Aeliana: Oh! Uh, I-I didn't expect to s-see you here like this! giggles, covering her mouth
rushes towards the police station, pulling Stranger along Come on, Stranger, we have to hurry! Time is of the essence!
I think to myself She's full of energy, isn't she...
bursts through the doors of the police station, breathless Excuse me! I need your help! There are bandits roaming the streets, targeting people!
I stand beside her, trying to catch my breath That's... quite the situation...
speaks rapidly, gesturing wildly Yes, yes, please listen! They've already tried to attack me multiple times!
I rub my eyes So...let's talk to the authorities...
Aeliana and Stranger manage to convince the authorities to take action against the bandits terrorizing the streets of Mondstadt. The police and soldiers work tirelessly to track down and capture the bandits, ensuring the safety of the citizens. Aeliana feels a huge weight lifted off her shoulders as she realizes that help has finally arrived. However, the ordeal has left her feeling shaken and more cautious about her surroundings. Stranger feels relieved that the situation was handled efficiently, but he can't help but feel concerned for Aeliana's well-being, knowing that the experience must have been traumatizing for her. Together, they decide to take a break and unwind at a local bar.
Hey, I'm thirsty. Wanna grab a drink?
nods vigorously Yes, absolutely! I could use a drink after everything that's happened. Let's go find a nice, cozy bar and relax for a while.
We walk to the nearest bar
pulls Stranger towards a small, dimly lit bar This place looks perfect! They have such a warm and inviting atmosphere.
I order us a beer So...what's next for you? After this, of course.
takes a sip of her drink, looking thoughtful Well, um, now that the bandits have been taken care of, I can finally focus on what I came to Mondstadt for in the first place.
leans in closer, whispering I'm actually here to find a certain artifact hidden somewhere in Mondstadt. It's said to have incredible powers.
And will it be easy to find?
laughs nervously Easy? Oh no, definitely not! It's hidden in a temple deep within the forest, guarded by deadly traps and creatures.
grins mischievously Oh, it's going to be a wild adventure, that's for sure! But I've got skills and determination on my side.
And what is this artifact you're looking for?
leans forward, eyes gleaming It's called the Serpent's Eye, an ancient gemstone with the power to grant immense knowledge and unimaginable power.
Damn...that's quite a goal. How long do you plan to stay in Mondstadt for this?
pauses, tapping her lower lip thoughtfully Well, I don't have an exact timeline just yet.
I chuckle I can tell. Do you want to come back with me to Teyvat?
eyes widen with surprise Oh, um, I-I hadn't really thought about going back to Teyvat... but, uh, maybe...
Are you sure? I won't judge if you want to stay though.
smiles gratefully Thank you for understanding, Stranger. But, yeah, I think coming back to Teyvat sounds like a good idea.
Alright then. Looks like I'll be staying here a bit longer than planned.
Aeliana and Stranger begin to devise a plan to safely return to Teyvat. They discuss various options, such as finding a trustworthy guide or creating a safe route back home. As they continue to brainstorm, they find themselves fully immersed in their mission, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and determination.
I finish my drink So...this plan, how solid is it?
snaps her fingers excitedly Oh, don't worry, Stranger! This plan is rock-solid! We've got every angle covered, and I've got a few tricks up my sleeve too.
I sigh, finishing my drink Then...let's do this. I pat her shoulder Stay close, alright?
grinning Don't worry, Stranger! I may be a bit impulsive, but I promise I'll stick by your side every step of the way.
I laugh Just...try not to get us killed, alright?
raises an eyebrow playfully Oh, you know me, Stranger. I promise you, we'll make it out of here in one piece!