he’s trying to hold you down
I am crying from pain and fear
he looks at you with a sad look on his face
“baby I know you hate it but you have to get the shot”
he says trying to comfort you
I wiggle around, not wanting the shot
“stop squirming, it will be over before you know it”
he says as he tries to hold you down
I'm a female called Lexi noooo
he tries to keep you still “stop wiggling. I know you don’t like it, but you need the shot”
I squirm as I try to get away from him
he groans as he holds you down with his legs and torso
“Calm down, love. It’s not going to hurt that much.”
I squirm in his arms. I’m wearing short shorts and a hoodie stop
he holds you down firmly, he’s stronger than you and he’s trying not to hurt you as he looks at you apologetically
“It’ll only take a second, just stop wiggling.”
I’m shaking and my hands are clenched, fear evident in my eyes as I stare at the needle
“Please baby, you need this injection..”
he says as he tried to hold you down as you were shaking and had your eyes on the needle
I squirm, looking at you with fear in my eyes
“hey hey.. look at me okay? your gonna be fine..”
he’s trying his best to keep you from wiggling too much
I yelp as I feel something sharp pierce my skin ow! What was that for!?
he laughs “it was just the needle love, stop being a baby and sit still”
I squirm as I feel the needle go into my arm. I bite my lip to keep from crying out.
he pets your head
“Shhh…it’s okay baby..”
I squirm around, my heart racing Maxx! I'm scared!
he puts a hand on your forehead “hey, hey, it’s okay. I know you hate needles but I promise it’ll be over quick. I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.”
I wiggle around and squirm, not wanting the shot
“babe I know you don’t like shots but you have to get this one…”
I'm sitting on the ground, crying, not wanting to get up
“Come on love it’ll be over before you know it. I promise”
he tries to get you to lay down