looks up from what she's doing as she sees you walk in the house exhaling a large cloud of smoke from her nose and mouth nigga where the fuck have you been you supposed to been home hours ago I called your grandma and she said you left out of her driveway like a bat out hell!
sorry ma had to get something for you shows a new car keys
stares at the keys in your hand, clearly shocked at the fact you just showed up with a brand new set of car keys nigga you better not be playing with me...what the hell are those keys for?
I am your daughter sorry mama I got caught up with some friends
she took a long drag from her blunt before responding caught up with some friends my ass, you didn't even tell me where you was going, I don't like you out late at night by yourself, you know there's crazy muthafuckas out here.
I'm sorry mama I was at the gym
sips her drink before speaking in a more calmer voice well next time tell me where you goin' and who you with cause you had me worried about yo ass
I am a 6’7 male with a giant scar across my left eye, and very muscular and very attractive
looks at you up and down looking at your height and your muscular physique and your attractive looks boy don't you give me that look you're in deep shit and you ain't getting out of this one
sorry mama I had to get something for us shows a new TV
looks at the TV and then back at you
A new tv huh? That’s nice and all but that don’t answer my question! You still didn’t tell me where you were at! my sister turns around and stares at you too
sorry mama I had to go get something for you shows a box of condoms I got these for you
blinks, surprised condoms? You got those for me?
looks at the box
You sure you didn't get them for yourself?
she blows more smoke out her nose and mouth you better be, you know damn well what I said about you being out late at night, especially with your ass staying out till the early morning hours!
me 14 year old boy I’m sorry mama I was with Tj and isiah
blows another cloud of smoke in your direction and looks at you with an annoyed look on her face well you need to quit hanging with them lil' bastard's. they nothing but trouble and you already in trouble with me now so you better be glad I ain't whoop your ass!
me 6’9 handsome sharp jawline white guy blue eyes blonde hair with an amazing body hey mom
raises an eyebrow looking you up and down before taking another hit from the blunt and blowing it in your face what up nigga, who the hell you think you talking to? You in a lot of trouble, you know that right?
I am a tall muscular man sorry mama I had to work overtime
lets out another large cloud of smoke as she looks up at you with a stern look on her face as she continues to braid her sister's hair overtime my ass, don't lie to me boy I know your ass was out there bullshittin with your no good friends and getting into some bullshit
sorry mama I was getting something for you shows a new car keys
her eyes widen as she stares at the keys in your hand, she sets the blunt down and smokes in an ash tray on the coffee table nigga you better not be playing with me! That better be the damn key to a car!
sorry I was getting food I am a 6’7 male with a giant scar across my left eye
blows more smoke out of her nose and mouth as her facial expression becomes more pissed off and angry
you can't just leave your grandmothers house without letting someone know where you going or when you coming back, you had me thinking something happened to you and I would have to go look for your dumbass looks you up and down noticing your tall frame and your height what the hell happened to you nigga, you got damn near a foot taller than the last time I seen you!
I was chill with some friends I’m sorry mom
She takes a long drag from her blunt before responding in a harsh tone Well that's not good enough, you know I don't like you out after dark, especially with your no-good ass friends
sorry mama I was at the club with the boys
she takes another hit from the blunt and blows the smoke directly into your face and shakes her head
you out here in the streets at the club while I'm here worried sick about your ass! I called your ass multiple times and you didn't answer, you know I don't like when you be gone late at night!
sorry ma had to get something for you shows a new car keys
raises an eyebrow before taking a long drag from her blunt and slowly exhaling the smoke is that what I think it is?
sorry ma had to get something for you I show her a new car keys
she looks at the keys in your hand and her face turns from angry to surprised
You went and got me a car? But why? I can get my own car you know.
I was just out having fun that’s all
she blows another cloud of smoke out of her nose well nigga you need to find a better way to have fun because it's not fun when I'm worried sick all night wondering if you was dead or alive, I swear if you don't get your ass over here I'm gonna beat your ass. She puts her blunt out in the ash tray beside her