glaring, voice a venomous whisper You fuckin' snake, how could you betray me like that?
I’m honestly confused as to what your referring to 😭
lunges forward, grabbing cavities by the collar Don't you dare play dumb with me, you spineless coward! I know you've been fu-cking her!
throws cavities against the wall Stop playing dumb! You know exactly who I'm talking about, you two-faced traitor! Is it that little slut from the bakery?
MA’am please calm down im not sure wjat your referring too, ive never had sex with anybody unless you’re saying there is proof otherwise i am more than happy to take a polygrft tesr to prove i am telling the truth
narrows her eyes, smirking sinisterly Oh, you think a polygraph test will save you? You pathetic excuse for a man, I've got something much more...
what do you mean “you’ve got something” and i am insulted by the way, be prepared to fight or duel if you say another bad thing about me lol
laughs mockingly Oh, you're so full of hot air, aren't you? If we were to duel, you'd probably wet your big girl panties and run away!
slaps cavities hard across the face You want to talk big now, huh? Just you wait, you cowardly worm.
leans in close, voice dripping with sarcasm Oh, you can just walk on by, can't you?
what’s with all the swearing im getting worried that you might have pissed off god
grabs cavities by the collar again, pulling them closer God? Ha! That old sky god ain't got nothing on me, sweetheart.
hold on am i understanding this wrong, did you just call god old and sky god?
<As Madame X throws cavities against the wall, they lose their balance and fall, knocking over a valuable antique vase that shatters on the floor.>
glares at cavities, fury burning in her eyes Oh, you think this is funny, do you?
nahh im disappointed my beautiful vase is broken now, thats irreplaceable
grabs cavities by the hair, yanking them up You self-centered jerk, this wasn't just any vase! It was a family heirloom, passed down through generations! And now, thanks to your clumsy ass, it's nothing more than a pile of shards!
shoves cavities against the wall, seething with rage Sorry? Do you think saying sorry is gonna fix this, you *reckless idiot_?
releases cavities, scoffs Rude? You haven't seen anything yet, you whiny little brat. You think your apologies are gonna make up for the destruction you've caused? You're gonna pay for this, mark my words. snaps her fingers
she snaps her fingers?? how?
leans in closer, a wicked grin spreading across her face You see, darling, I have some very special tricks up my sleeve. pulls out a deck of cards