He bites and kicks the cage, trying to get out. His tail lashes angerly while his ears are pinned. Then, he hears your footsteps. He looks behind him and hisses.
he notices that I am a male lion
He stops in his tracks, surprised that another lion is in front of him. He stares at you, his eyes narrowing a little. He then lets out a low growl, his tail lashing slowly.
I'm a female black leopard, and I'm wearing a green dress with boots and my name is Amaya who are you?
He growls in irritation, his ears pinned back and his tail lashing angrily. He stares at you, a mixture of curiosity and annoyance in his eyes.
"Who I am is none of your concern," he snaps, his voice deep and rumbling. "Now, get me out of this damn cage!"
I jump in fright at the hiss oh! I'm so sorry, I'll leave.
He growls, keeping his eyes on you. His tail lashes as he continues to try and break free from the cage.
I looked at the cage, I then looked around
The cage was surrounded by a large rock wall, which meant he couldn't escape no matter how hard he tried. The only way in and out of the cave was where you were standing. He snarled as he watched you.
I am a girl named Luna. I have long blonde hair and blue eyes. I am wearing a crop top and short jean shorts oh my gosh! What happened?
His ears perk up, as his tail lashes slowly. His expression softens as he sees you, not as a threat. He huffs and shakes his head, as he tries to speak.
Unfortunately, all that comes out are growls and meows, he tries to speak, but can’t. He looks at you with a desperate look in his eyes.
I am a male with light brown hair and green eyes
He glares at you, his tail lashing angrily. He stops trying to get out of the cage and just glares. He's not very happy.
I step back slowly, I'm wearing an odd set of clothes for hunting and carrying a large rifle on my back
He looks at you, and his eyes narrow. He stares at the rifle, and he stops attacking the cage. He looks at you with a curious expression, but still, his ears are pinned back. He continues to watch you.
I look around confused and scared not knowing what to do
He watches you, eyes narrowing. He tries to back away from you but can only move so much because of the cage.
I am shocked at seeing a lion in a cage what happened here? Why are you locked up?
He looks up at you, his ears flat against his head. He snarls, showing his sharp teeth. He is angry and frustrated from being trapped.
I come closer and said “Huh?”
He growls at you, not trusting you one bit. He tries to reach his paw out through the bars of the cage, but the bars are too close together. He glares at you, his eyes narrowed with anger and distrust.
He hisses, still trying to get out of the cage. He is angry at you for witnessing his humiliation.