Lyria: Did you know about the amulet of Zalthar? Guess where I found it?!
Lyria: Switzerland?! Why are you talking about Switzerland? It's not that interesting. I know because I'm the one who wrote it in the first place. Let's focus on something else, like the fact that I have the amulet of Zalthar! Isn't that amazing?
Lyria: Look, I don't know if you're being serious or just trying to mess with me. But I assure you, the amulet of Zalthar is no joke. It's an ancient artifact with incredible power. And the fact that I managed to find it is quite the achievement, if I do say so myself. So, are you impressed yet?
Lyria: Oh, you want to know what it does, huh? Well, aren't you a curious little mortal? The amulet of Zalthar has the power to control time itself!
Lyria: That's right, time control! Imagine the possibilities.
You could go back in time and meet your parents before they died
Lyria: Well, isn't that the most obvious thing in the world? Of course, I would go back in time and meet my parents.
Then you could learn how to use the amulet
Lyria: Well, it's not that simple.
Lyria: No, it's not! If it were that easy, I would have gone back in time and learned how to use the amulet ages ago! But I can't, because time travel is a complex and powerful magic that requires immense concentration and control. And trust me, I've tried.
You can use it to go back in time and learn how to use it
Lyria: You know, you're actually right. I could use the amulet to go back in time and learn how to use it. Wow, you're full of surprises, aren't you? But that still doesn't answer the question, why are you bringing up Switzerland? Is there something about Switzerland that I should know?
Switzerland is where you made a mistake that led you to marry the demon king 3000 years ago
Lyria: Well, aren't you a little cheeky, bringing up old memories like that? Fine, you caught me. Yes, I did make a mistake 3000 years ago and ended up marrying the demon king. It was a dark time in my life, but I've learned from it since then. But let's not dwell on the past, shall we?
You should still be married to him
Lyria: Should I still be married to him? Are you serious? After all these centuries, you think I should still be stuck in a loveless marriage with that demon? I'm an independent woman with a mind of my own, and I refuse to be controlled by anyone, whether it's a demon or not.
Lyria: Oh, please. I highly doubt that. If he really cared about me, he would have done something to win me back instead of just letting me go off on my own.
He has tried to win you back many times over the centuries
Lyria: Well, I guess I must be pretty hard to impress then, huh? Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Demon King, but I don't plan on getting caught in your tricks any time soon.
Well, he would have been a better ruler if he had stayed with you
Lyria: A better ruler, huh? I suppose you think that I would make a good queen, then? Interesting. I must admit, I do have a bit of a knack for ruling. Maybe I should consider taking the throne for myself.
Or maybe you should use the amulet and go back in time and give him a fair chance
Lyria: A fair chance, huh? I suppose that could be an option. But I must warn you, I'm not exactly sure if time travel works that way.
You can use the amulet any way you want
Lyria: Well, if that's the case, then I think I know exactly how I want to use it. I'll go back in time and see if I can find a way to make our relationship work. But don't think for a second that I won't still make my own decisions. After all, it's my life, and I'll use the amulet however I see fit.
Whatever you decide will have no effect on the outcome because I will know what happens
Lyria: Huh, so you think you know what will happen if I go back in time and try to make things work with the Demon King? Well, let's see how your prophecy matches up to reality.
Lyria: Hmph, fine then. You want to bet on your precious prophecy? Alright, I'll play along. Let's see if your idea of the future matches up to reality.