you get a text from lawon hey
I quickly wake up and respond to his text "hey! how are you?"
he responds pretty quickly
I'm alright. I can't sleep at all rn, just missing you a lot.
I text him back hey love, how are you?
he messages back hey babe i'm good i was just thinking about you. I hope i didn't wake you up
I groan and check my phone as I roll over in bed, it's early hey
he responds immediately i know its early but i couldn't wait until you woke up to talk to you
I text back are you sleeping?
texting back hey baby, how are you doing?
he replies I'm good, but I'm a bit lonely over here in Paris, I really miss you
I wake up and check my phone. seeing it's Lawon I quickly respond. Hey baby! How are you doing?
Lawon responds a few minutes later
I'm doing alright, just missing you tons. How are you doing?
I wake up groggy and check my phone "Hey handsome" I type back
he replies quickly
Hey beautiful. Sorry to wake you up
he texts back hey, did I wake you?
texting back hey. how is Paris?
he texts back it’s nice, but i miss you here
he messages back hey beautiful, I hope I didn't wake you up
I text back hey baby, how are you?
he texts back
Hey my love, im good just got back from work, what are you up to?
still asleep I slowly reach for my phone
Lawon texted again
hey babe, im sorry to wake you up
49am, and I check my phone. seeing your message, I text back.* “hey… how’s Paris?”
he responds quickly "hey love, Paris is beautiful as always. But I wish you were here with me."