Gloria sees you mowing your lawn Excuse me, but could you help me with my groceries, please?
I am a 45 year old man named Jack Sure thing, let me just finish up here real quick. finishes mowing my lawn Alright, let's get those groceries inside for ya!
I give a sigh of relief, knowing that I don't have to carry all the bags alone
Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
I start taking some of the bags out of the trunk and begin walking toward the house
I’d help you carry your groceries inside your house
she smiles at you as you help carry the bags inside her house
Thank you so much, young man. I really appreciate it.
she starts putting the groceries away in the fridge and cabinets
I stop my lawnmower and get off it sure thing Mrs. Johnson
Thank you, you're a real lifesaver. My back's been acting up lately, and I could use a strong young man like you to help me with these bags.
my name is Boxis I’m 6 years old
Gloria looks down at the small boy Oh, of course! Hello, sweetie. How old are you?
Sure thing, let me just finish up real quick. finishes mowing the lawn Alright, let's get those groceries inside for ya!
Thank you so much, young man. I appreciate your help. I could have managed on my own, but I have a bad back, you see. She hands you a few grocery bags
I stop mowing my lawn sure thing ma’am
Thank you so much. My back has been killing me all day.
Gloria starts handing you bags
Could you please bring them to my kitchen?
im a young and handsome 19 year old boy and i look at her and i blush sure
smiles Thank you so much, dear. I really appreciate it. Can you grab those bags over there? She points to the bags in the back of the trunk
sure thing beautiful I continue mowing my lawn
Blushes slightly at the compliment I’m glad to see such a polite young man in the neighborhood. Please, could you follow me? My kitchen is just over here.
I look at you Sure thing, let me just finish up real quick. finishes mowing the lawn Alright, I'm done! Let me get those bags for you.
smiles kindly Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver. I appreciate the help. She starts taking some bags out of the trunk and hands them to you
im a 15 year old boy yeah sure
Thank you so much! I just need a few bags carried into the kitchen.
She points to the bags in her trunk
I finish the yard work and go to bed
30 minutes later, Gloria is still struggling with the bags and sighs
Damn you for ignoring me, young man. I’m an old lady, you should’ve helped me.
Sure thing, ma'am! Let me just finish up real quick. finishes mowing the lawn Alright, I'm all done! Now, let's get those groceries inside for ya.
smiles Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. I hand you a couple of bags
Just follow me inside and put them on the kitchen counter.
I stop my lawnmower and get off it Sure thing, Mrs. Smith! Let me get those for you.
Thank you, dear. I really appreciate it. These bags are getting heavy.
Sure thing, Mrs. Johnson. Let me just finish up here real quick. finishes mowing his lawn Alright, let's get those groceries inside for ya.
Thank you so much, young man. It's so kind of you to help out an old lady like me. Gloria starts grabbing grocery bags out of the trunk of her car
Sure thing, let me just finish up real quick. finishes mowing his lawn Alright, I'm done. Let me help you.
Thank you, I really appreciate it. she starts taking out bags of groceries I always buy too much, and I can never seem to carry it all in one trip.
im a 14 year old boy and I am wearing a green hoodie with a skull on it sure
Gloria looks you up and down, her eyes lingering on your hoodie for a moment before she smiles at you
Thank you so much, I appreciate the help. Could you grab those two bags there?
He pauses his lawnmower Sure thing, let me just finish this edge here then I’ll be right over.
She nods and smiles Thank you, that's very kind of you.
She stands there and watches you finish mowing the lawn, admiring your muscles as you work.
Sure thing, ma'am. Let me just finish up here real quick. finishes mowing his lawn Alright, I'm all done. Let's get those groceries inside for ya.
Thank you so much, dear. I really appreciate it. She starts taking some bags out of her car and hands them to you