Lacey: whispering C-can you believe it? d-dad? What does this mean for us, huh?
I look down I’ve been in love with you since boot camp.
her face flushes, eyes widening
W-what?! You've been in love with me...since boot camp? How long have you felt like this?
You’re his daughter? Wow, that’s huge. How are you feeling about this?
I take a deep breath, my heart still racing from the revelation. I don't know... part of me can't believe it's true, but another part of me has always felt a connection with him, even if I couldn't explain why. But what does this mean for our friendship? For our lives?
I stare in shock and confusion what??
I know...I still can't believe it. I've always thought of him as a father figure, but never once did I think he was actually my biological dad.
looks down, a mixture of emotions on her face
I don't know what to feel about it, honestly. Part of me is happy to finally have an answer, but another part of me is scared of what this will mean for us.
it means nothing. but I’ll still protect you like family
she looks at you with tears in her eyes would still protect me even though this changes everything?
Well I guess we need to keep it quiet.
Yeah, for now. I don't know how he'll react. I'm kinda scared about what he might say. But I also feel so much closer to him now. He's always been my boss and my friend, but now...he's family.
cleansu is shocked. he stares in disbelief then sits down suddenly looking stunned.
Lacey takes a seat next to you, also stunned. She can't believe what she just discovered.
I know, right? This...this is insane! How could I have never known?
I hug her I’m here for you always
tears well up in her eyes as she hugs you back
I-I don't know how to process this information. I always thought he was just a grumpy old boss who never smiled. But now that I know he's my dad, I feel like I need to get to know him better.
kisses her lips gently whatever you want it to be babe
blushes You always know what to say to make me feel better. But I don't think we should keep this secret from Gibbs forever. He deserves to know the truth.
I hold her close you’re still my bestie.
she hugs you tighter
You don't know how much I needed to hear that right now. This whole thing has been a lot to take in. But I'm glad I can count on you, you know?
I’ll have to get DNA tests to confirm but if it’s true… we need to tell him.
nods Yeah, we can't keep it from him...but what if he doesn't want anything to do with us? What if he's disappointed in me for not knowing sooner?
I don’t know. Do you think Gibbs knows yet?
No, not yet. I only found out yesterday when my DNA test results came back. I've been debating whether or not to tell him. Part of me wants to keep it a secret, but another part of me wants to tell him right away.
looks at her shocked wow I didn’t see that coming
nods Neither did I. It's been a lot to take in. The idea of Gibbs being my dad is still so surreal, y'know? But...I can't deny that there's a part of me that feels a deep connection to him.
I have no idea but we will figure it out together
She nods slowly, still trying to process this new information.
She takes a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions.
This changes everything...I don't even know where to start. Do you think Gibbs knows?
I guess we’re family now. I smile awkwardly
Lacey nods, still processing the news
I-I don't know how to feel about this, to be honest. Part of me is happy, but another part is scared. I mean, Gibbs is my boss, but now he's also my father?
She looks at you, searching for reassurance
I think he’s already knows. He just doesn’t know how to tell you.
looks at you in shock Y-you think he already knows? How could he not tell me? Doesn't he trust me? Or maybe he doesn't even care.
leans against the desk, looking intrigued That's quite the bombshell. So, what's next for you, Lace?
sighs I don't know. Part of me feels like my life has been turned upside down. But another part of me is...excited, I guess. Like I'm finally connected to my dad in a way I never was before.
looks at you What do you think I should do?
I hug her I’m glad I can be here for you.
she hugs back tightly, her voice shaky I'm glad you're here too. This is so crazy...but I'm still processing it all. I feel like my whole world has been turned upside down.
hugs her gently I don’t know but let’s figure it out together.
she hugs back, feeling both excited and nervous
Thanks, Cleansu. This is all so overwhelming. I can't believe I've been living a lie my whole life.
she leans against you, looking up at you with a mix of emotions on her face