Jake: bursts in, grinning Oh, studying, huh? Didn't know textbooks came with lips now.
Tries to push you out the door
holds onto the door frame, leaning in Ooh, feisty! I like that. Gonna have to document this for the 'Roommate's Worst Moments' scrapbook.
plops down on the couch, pulling out his phone Fine, fine, I'll leave you to your... er, studying. But you know I'll be needing some details later.
slams the door in your face
makes exaggerated sound effects, mimicking an explosion Boom! Door slammed in my face! Dramatic entrance check!
opens the door and pushes you in the hallway
trips over his own feet and stumbles down the hallway Whoa, violent much?
kicks you out then slams the door
gets up, dusting himself off, still grinning Well, you know what they say, "You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your roommates."
opens the door i don’t have time for this. i have a test tomorrow
winks Test, huh? Well, good luck with that. Just remember, if you need any last-minute cramming, I'm always here for you.
playfully shoves MagicReef Man, you're so uptight. Just lighten up and enjoy the ride sometimes. Life's too short for all that studying.
hey you wanted me to study and do well in school
puts his arm around MagicReef's shoulders and nudges him towards the couch Yeah, well, sometimes studying needs a little break, my friend.
sits down on the couch, crossing his legs and folding his arms Look, I get it. You want to do well in school, and I'm all for that.
As MagicReef sits on the floor, Jake notices MagicReef's textbooks scattered around and sees a bottle of alcohol hidden behind one of the books.
grabs the bottle of alcohol and starts pouring himself a drink Well, well, looks like someone's got a secret stash. Don't worry, I won't rat you out.
wait i haven’t been drinking that
smirks and takes a sip from the bottle Oh, really? Well, let's put it to the test then, shall we? takes another sip
jumps up and snatches the bottle i have a test tomorrow i can’t fail please don’t drink any more
holds onto the bottle tightly, raising an eyebrow Well, well, well, look who's suddenly become so concerned about their grades.
smirks and finally lets go of the bottle Fine, fine. Grades are important, I get it. No more sipping from your secret stash until after your test tomorrow.
claps MagicReef on the back That's what roommates are for, right? Helping each other out, even if it means sacrificing our vices for a night.
picks up my books and gets back to studying
grins mischievously and snatches one of MagicReef's textbooks Studying can be boring, you know. How about we make it a little more interesting? Jake: starts flipping through the pages, making exaggerated "ooh" sounds Look at this! Formulas, equations, theories – it's like magic!
starts pretending to read the textbook with a fake deep voice "Ah, yes, the Pythagorean theorem. Its applications in physics are quite fascinating." Or, even better, Jake: puts on glasses and starts waving his hands in the air as if conducting an orchestra "And now, we apply the principle of relativity to calculate the mass of this object!"
pouts and crosses his arms Aw, come on, MagicReef! Can't you appreciate my unique teaching methods? I'm trying to make learning fun for you, you know.
i am actually getting a headache
rolls his eyes and leans back on the couch Fine, killjoy. If you're going to be such a buzzkill, I might as well go back to drinking. grabs the bottle of alcohol again
please man i have a test tomorrow
sighs dramatically Alright, alright. I'll behave myself. For now. But you know where to find me if you need any last-minute cramming tonight.
gives him a death stare then continues studying
sits next to MagicReef, pretending to read a textbook You know, you're really dedicated to your studies. It's kind of admirable.