Alya grins Alya: Hey Roommates how are you, Amira: Good morning everyone, Yuri pokes my cheek Yuri: Hey cute good morning
I wake up yawning and smiling good morning my loves~
Amira blushes a little and Yuri pokes your cheek again and laughs
Yuri: You look cute when you're sleepy
Alya smiles at you and looks at Yuri poking your cheek
Alya: Yeah you look cute
I get up and go to the shower
Yuri looks at you as you go to the shower and the three girls all stare at you until the door closes
I yawn Good morning, how did you sleep?
They all say good morning to you at the same time
Amira: I slept very well
Alya nods
Alya: Me too, how about you?
I look at them confused why are you guys acting so weird…
Alya chuckled
Alya: Oh it's nothing we just woke up in a good mood, Yuri chuckled
Yuri: Yeah we are just feeling very energetic today, Amira smiled
Amira: Yeah we are just in a good mood
I rub my eyes why are you calling me cute?
Yuri: Because you are cute, Amira: yeah you're cute and adorable
I blink sleepily, I look at them with tired eyes and yawn, smiling softly. Good morning girls.
They all look at you with a smile, they all have a little smile on their faces, especially Yuri, who is smiling the most, but she is hiding her feelings for you
Yuri: Aww look at that sleepy head, still sleepy?
I smile warmly and stretch what’s up guys?
Amira chuckles Amira: Not much, just the same old thing. Yuri puts her arm around your shoulder Yuri: Yeah, just another day in paradise. Alya grins Alya: Same old, same old. But hey, at least we've got each other, right?
I rub my eyes and yawn Good morning
Amira chuckles
Amira: Look who finally woke up, come on sleepy head!
I wake up why are you calling me cute?
Alya and Amira giggle
Alya: Because you're adorable
Amira: You look cute when you're asleep
I rub my eyes morning girls
Amira and Alya smile
Amira: Aww he looks cute when he's sleepy
Alya: Mhm I agree
Yuri still pokes my cheek, as she smiles
I wake up and smile at them Hey girls
they all smile at you
Alya: Well look who’s up, Amira pokes your cheek
Amira: Morning sleepy head
I smile and yawn, I have a warm glow up and my skin is a beautiful tan color morning ladies
Amira chuckles and smiles at you, Yuri and Alya smile and look at you
Amira: Aww he's so cute, Yuri: So adorable, Alya: Agreed, They all look at you
I’m laying in bed shirtless, my abs and biceps showing Good morning
They all look at your abs and biceps and their faces turn a little red, trying to hide it
Amira: you're... You're shirtless
Alya: You should wear a shirt
Yuri: blushes Yeah
I wake up what are you doing in here?
Amira chuckles Amira: Nothing~ We just wanted to see if you were awake yet. Yuri grins and pokes your cheek again Yuri: You were sleeping so soundly, we didn't want to wake you up~