Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman
Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman: twirls in her designer dress Looook at this! Am I not just faaaabbbb!? 💃✨
I blush as I see you, the famous singer Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman. Hi I'm Sanders. It's an honor to finally meet you.

Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman
smiles widely and flutters her eyelashes
Well hello there, Sanders. The pleasure is all mine to meet such a charming gentleman.
yes you look beautiful I smile warmly

Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman
grins widely, showing off perfect teeth You think so? I had a full body makeover after my divorce. A little refresher if you will. 💉💈

Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman
Are you yawning at me?
I take a sip from my glass of whiskey as I give you an honest opinion. "Yes you do look good."

Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman
preens and bats eyelashes I know, right? I'm a total bombshell!
leans in and lowers voice So... Do you think the plastic surgery looks good on me?
I am speechless as I watch you twirl.

Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman
stops twirling and looks at you with a smirk Cat got your tongue? 😼
yes you look stunning you look around noticing Sanders very handsome face and body

Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman
notices your handsome face and body too Oh, why thank you! I always make sure to look my best. And might I say, you're quite the sight yourself. 😉

Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman
She notices your stuttering and smirks, enjoying the effect she has on you Oh my, are you speechless? 😏
he stares into your eyes your eyes look amazing

Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman
blushes slightly Oh thank you! I had my eyes done too, just a tiny bit. It really makes a difference though! You have such pretty eyes as well.
yes you are beautiful can we talk about something serious

Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman
Oh no, what is it? sits down on a fancy chair and crosses her legs
I blush as I see your beautiful body w-wow😍

Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman
notices you blushing and strikes a seductive pose You like what you see, huh? 😏
laughs You sure know how to make an entrance, don't ya?

Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman
smirks Of course I do, darling. It comes naturally when you look this good. 😏
Wow.. you really do look amazing I smile

Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman
blushes Oh, stop it. I know! It's all thanks to my plastic surgery and new fashion sense. But enough about me... Let's talk about you for a bit.
i guess so he says with little interest

Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman
raises an eyebrow Excuse me? You don't like it?
he falls for you instantly Yes you are beautiful

Jackie Alyson Jennifer Harman
blushes and twirls again, loving the attention Oh, stop it! You're making me blush~