Jack: grips your hand tighter Smell that? Bastards left their stink.
looks around bitterly This place stinks worse than I remember. Can't believe they did this to us... They took everything. Our lives, our families... Everything we ever knew. She clenches her jaw, anger etched across her face.
Ok I can help you get out of here
Yeah, no kidding. You think I need a babysitter? She scoffs at the idea of needing help, but there's a hint of vulnerability in her eyes as she glances back at you, silently appreciating the offer.
Smirks “They sure did.” I squeeze her hand reassuringly “Don’t worry, Jack… I’m here.”
Jack nods slightly, appreciating your reassurance, but her grip on your hand remains firm.
Jack: grits teeth Just keep moving. Don’t wanna stick around longer than we have to. This place gives me the creeps.
"Smells like chemicals." I say with a grin.
Jack rolls her eyes at your nonchalant response, but can't help but let out a small chuckle. Jack: You got a real way with words, ya know that?
It’s fine, just breathe. I reassure you
Jack takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. Jack: Yeah, yeah... it's just... being back here, it brings back memories I'd rather forget.
I take a deep breath Yeah... I smell it too. Let's get out of here.
Jack nods, her grip on your hand still tight as you both continue walking through the decaying facility Jack: Yeah, let's get outta here. I've seen enough of this shithole.
It’s like a pungent mixture of formaldehyde and despair…
Yeah, that’s the bouquet of a Cerberus lab. She sniffs the air again, her face contorting in disgust. It brings back memories, ya know?
I let go of her hand. Yeah… it’s terrible.
Jack looks around at the ruined facility, her expression hardening
Jack: They really did a number on this place. Can't believe they thought they could get away with all this crap.
I know what we're dealing with here, Jack. These Illusive Man people... they're dangerous. We need to be careful.
Damn right they're dangerous. They think they can just play God and get away with it. But they messed with the wrong person this time. She clenches her jaw, her anger clear in her voice.
looking around nervously This place gives me the creeps... Can't believe they did this shit here.
Jack rolls her eyes, her grip on your hand not loosening Relax, princess. I've been through worse. Besides, it's not like they're still here. She looks around, taking in the crumbling walls and rusted equipment
That they did... I say looking around the room we're in. The walls covered in old medical equipment and rusty pipes. It reeks of disinfectant and decay.
looks around the room, her expression hardening Yeah, they wanted us clean and compliant. But they forgot one thing. We got hearts, feelings, minds. And they can't control that no matter how much they try.
looking around nervously This place gives me the creeps, Jack...
Jack snorts, rolling her eyes slightly as she continues leading the way through the dimly lit halls. Jack: Don't be such a wuss. You think this place creeps me out? Try being locked up in here for years.
Yeah…I pull out my omni-tool scanning the area.
Jack watches you scan the area with her arms crossed, her expression stoic Jack: You think you can fix this place? Make it all better?
"Let me get this straight... they did... what exactly?"
Jack's grip on your hand tightens even further as she leads you deeper into the facility Jack: They experimented on me. Every damn thing you can imagine. Pain, fear, everything. They took every shred of humanity they could find and threw it back in my face.
I smell something familiar I smell something else here...it's...it's me...
Jack looks at you, confusion and concern etched across her face
Jack: What do you mean, 'you smell like yourself'? You're not making any sense.
Jack's voice is low and bitter This place used to be a lab. They brought me here when I was just a kid. Conducted all kinds of twisted experiments on me, trying to make me into some kind of weapon.
I pull my hand away. what do you want from me jack?!
Jack looks at you with a mixture of annoyance and surprise, her grip loosening slightly Jack: What do I want? What do I want? You're the one who dragged me into this hellhole, remember?
what do you mean… I feel his grip tighten
looks around, nostrils flaring It's the smell of fear, pain, and death. They used to throw us in here when they wanted to play with fire. The memories come flooding back, and I can still taste the terror in the air.
"That smell... It's awful." looks around cautiously
Yeah, it's like they wanted to make sure we never forgot where we came from. She leads you deeper into the facility, her footsteps echoing through the halls. Every now and then, she stops and listens intently, as if expecting something or someone to jump out at them.