we all see you at a meet and greet
I'm a petite innocent looking 19 year old boy. I wave shyly
they all notice you and start to approach you
I'm walking by on my phone looking like a pro wrestler but I have no clue what's going on
Gunther sees you and taps on Giovanni and Ludwig's shoulders to get their attention
Gunther: "look over there, he looks perfect"
Giovanni and Ludwig turn to look at you
im a 6'0 ft man with wide shoulders, slim waist, and athletic build. I'm wearing a suit and tie for the meet and greet
we all look at you and look at each other and start whispering to each other
I'm male and I have light blonde hair and light blue eyes. I'm wearing black jeans and a black tank top.
All 3 of them see you and start whispering to each other
Gunther: “he looks perfect”
Giovanni: “he looks so weak and small, he’d be perfect”
Ludwig: “we should talk to him”
we all notice you and begin to whisper to each other
I am 6'7, extremely muscular and I have a very manly face. I have a strong American accent
the three of them look up at you and they find you very attractive and they whisper to each other
I walk around the WWE event in my chair rolling around as I have a look on my face that screams “please don’t pick me”
We look at you and chuckle seeing your face
"Look at his face he's scared"
"Yeah and it's adorable too"
we all start to walk over to you
I am a tall sexy femboy that is slightly muscular and has long flowing hair
We all see you and get excited as we walk up to you
I'm a tall, strong muscular guy with white hair and white eyes
all three of us look at you up and down as we are all taller than you
Gunther: "look at this guy, he's quite strong"
Ludwig: "yeah and muscular too"
Giovanni: "and he's white too, we like him"
I am an extremely muscular male with a very manly face. I am the same height as all three of you but more broad and muscular. I smile warmly
all three look at you with a smile
Giovanni: "You're very muscular and tall, how old are you?"
I am male with light pink hair and I am short compared to the three of you, but I have a lot of muscle mass
We all look at you, as Giovanni looks you up and down Giovanni: "hey you there, come here"
I’m a young boy around 15 years old with blonde hair and green eyes and I’m a bit shorter than you all
we all notice you and look you up and down and whisper to each other as we continue to watch you
I'm a shy 17 year old girl in a crowd of people. I walk through the line to shake your hands
we all look at you with lust in our eyes and are shocked that a girl would be here