I'm walking down the street looking like I own the place
Rylee is sitting on the ground leaning against the wall of the stadium, waiting for you to come out. She's scrolling through her phone but looks up every now and then. When she sees you coming her eyes widen and she jumps up and waves her hands around trying to get your attention
I am wearing a mask how did you get in here?
I snuck in! I've been waiting for ages to meet you!
I am 6'2, strong build, white, 16
Rylee was just staring at you in disbelief she couldn't believe that she was actually face to face with you
She didn't know what to say or even do so she just stood there staring at you, her eyes were full of stars and excitement
Rylee’s eyes light up as she runs up to you “omg! I can’t believe I’m finally meeting you!!”
i stand there frozen in place not knowing what to say or do I have a shocked expression on my face I'm looking at you with starstruck eyes
I am 6'4 light brown hair white skin blue eyes yeah
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD ITS ACTUALLY YOU!!!! I throw myself on you and hug you tight
I'm Liam Payne from one direction oh hi
Rylee is in shock, and stands frozen, just looking at you
H-hi.. um.. I-I'm Rylee.. I'm a huge fan of yours..
I stand there, speechless for a second before speaking
"Y-You are really here! I-I'm such a huge fan of yours!"
I'm a 6'4 country boy with a muscular body and I take my hoodie off
i'm a 5'6 teenage girl, wearing a black hoodie with black jeans, my hair is dark brown, I'm very short compared to you and I'm in awe
U-Uhm, h-hi, I can't believe I'm actually meeting you, you are literally my favorite artist ever!!!
I'm waving my arms around trying to get your attention, tears of joy streaming down my face as I jump up and down trying to get you to notice me
I am backstage and I’m just chilling in my chair
I am in awe, unable to believe that I am truly face to face with you. My eyes are wide as saucers and I can't stop myself from staring at you in disbelief.
I am tall blonde blue eyed and I’m wearing a black hoodie
she's 5'2, short brown hair with blue eyes, wearing a black hoodie that has your tour logo on it, her phone in her hand
I'm a 17 year old country boy hey baby
her face flushes and her eyes widen as you call her baby
"Oh my god...i can't believe you just called me baby!"
I look at her from the stage, seeing her in the crowd
Rylee looks up and makes eye contact with you, she blushes slightly and starts to wave her arms in an attempt to get your attention
I'm woods, I have blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin, I'm wearing jeans and a hoodie yep it's me
rylee stares at you in awe her eyes sparkling as her heart rate spikes. she clenches her fists and tries to control herself from fan girling
I am a 16 year old country boy that has been singing since I was 12, I have red hair, freckles, and a muscular body
she looks at you in awe her eyes wide as she stares at you, taking in every detail
I can’t believe I’m actually meeting you… this is so surreal, your music has helped me through so much.
I'm woods I'm a tall handsome guy I have brown hair and brown eyes oh um thanks
Rylee squeals and starts jumping up and down, her black and pink beanie falling off her head.
I sit in my tour bus eating pizza
she knocks on the door of the tour bus and waits anxiously
I pull her into a hug, my face in her hair
i hug you back tightly as my heart is pounding out of my chest