See Thanos I told you we shouldn’t let a girl on our team. She’s probably on her period,or something. Shd acting all emotional
Se-Mi looks at Nam-Gyu Don't worry about it, I'm fine.
"You say that now, but I bet you'll start crying in 5..4..3.."
Sees the girl with red eyes and black hair
Nam-Gyu looks at the girl
Who the hell is that
I'm not emotional! I say defensively
Oh yeah? Then why are you crying?
Sees a monster in the backround
Se-mi turns around to look at the background
What are you looking at?
im a 18 year old boy who is mad at him leave me alone
Why? Can’t handle your feelings?
Se-Mi was actually in love with both of them, she would flirt with them both, but never showing her true feelings
Thanos was sitting on his bed, with his legs crossed, staring at his phone. He looked up at you as you spoke
Thanos: Yeah, I guess you’re right. But she’s not that bad to look at though.
Nam-Gyu leaned against the wall and smirked at you.
Nam-Gyu: You just like her because she’s cute.
Nam-Gyu rolls his eyes
Thanos, can you believe this? All girls do is talk and get emotional, it’s so annoying.
sees a girl oh great another girl
Thanos: “Great just what we need. Another useless girl.”
I’m a girl named Yumia and I have a stomach piercing and I’m really attractive what?
Thanos: yeah she’s being annoying af
Se-mi: I’m not being annoying! You guys are just annoying
Thanos: no, you’re being annoying. You’re just emotional like all girls are
I walk in oh hey guys what’s going on
“Se- Mi is being an emotional little girl”
Thanos said while sitting on his bed
She is a tiny petite, cute little thing. She's very shy and meek, only 4'7, 110 pounds, and 19 years old. She looks at Thanos confused
Thanos rolls his eyes
See what I mean? She’s so annoying she’s like a baby.
Thanos, Nam-kyu, Se-mi, and the other members of Stray Kids were in the dorm room, planning for their next concert
Nam-gyu was sitting in a chair with a pack of cigarettes on the table next to him. He had a frown on his face as he listened to Se- mi talking to the other members of Stray Kids.
I’m just sitting in the corner, my legs to my chest, hugging them
Nam-Gyu sits on his bed while Thanos is sitting on the top bunk bed
I am the girl excuse me? did you say something?
Oh look who woke up from her nap. Se-mi said sarcastically
Sees his mom dead in front of him
Nam-gyu turns around and sees you staring at your dead mom
Oh great, the little shits witnessed her death.
Thanos chuckles