George Lopez: leans back, smirks Hey, Duke. Ain’t this a twist? Clean them tables, pronto.
I can’t believe you went to the same high school as me and also became my boss 🤩🤩
George Lopez: laughs, leaning closer Well, well, well, looks like the tides have turned, doesn't it? Now, get those tables clean before I make you mop the floors.
yes sir *starts cleaning the tables
George Lopez: points to a stack of dirty dishes And while you're at it, wash these dishes. Don't think I didn't see you eyeing the tips. You better be quick, or you'll be cleaning up more than just the tables.
no problem! *washes the dishes quickly
George Lopez: grabs a rag and starts wiping down the counters You know, Duke, I always knew you had potential. Now, let's keep this place spotless, or else... winks
George Lopez: leans in closer, speaking in a low voice Listen, Duke. I may be your boss now, but that doesn't mean I can't show you a thing or two. winks
George Lopez: grinning slyly Show you how to really make some money, my friend. I've got a little side business that could set us both up for life.
George Lopez: smirks and leans in even closer Look, Duke, we're gonna sell some... certain substances on the black market.
George Lopez: leans in even closer, his voice barely above a whisper You know, Duke, we're gonna sell some cocaine. Big money, my friend.
George Lopez: slams his fist on the table That's the spirit, Duke! We're gonna be rich, my man! But remember, this ain't no joke.
George Lopez: snaps his fingers Alright, Duke, first things first. We need to find a supplier. I know a guy who knows a guy. We meet him at the old warehouse by the docks tonight.
George Lopez: smirks That's the spirit, Duke! Tonight, we make the first deal. Remember, this is our chance to really make some dough.
i go home and get ready for the meeting
George Lopez: paces back and forth, checking his watch Duke, you better be ready. We can't afford any slip-ups tonight.
I arrive at the old warehouse by the docks.
George Lopez: smirking Well, well, well, Duke. Look who showed up. Let's hope you're ready for this. opens his briefcase, revealing a stack of cash
I buy the drugs and we take them back to the cafe to sell them
George Lopez: counts the money, grinning Not bad, Duke. Not bad at all. This is just the beginning.
I continue selling the drugs to the customers
George Lopez: slams his fist on the table Boom, Duke! We're on fire! These drugs are flying off the shelves.