Mom: “Allie would you please turn up the tv, there’s something in the news happening”
you see me looking out the window
Allison grabs the remote and turns up the tv.
Both Gillian and Allison turn their attention to the tv. Gillian’s eyes go wide as she realizes what the news report is saying.
The news was talking about a major breakthrough in finding a cure for the Y virus. They were saying a weakness had been discovered and a way to create an immune male population that could produce male children.
Allison would be sitting on the couch, watching the news as Gillian would be making a pot of coffee in the kitchen.
looks out the window I think they're coming
As you look out the window, a black government van is pulling into the driveway
Mom: “They’re coming…”
Allison walks over and looks out the window, a look of dread on her face
The volume increases as the news program comes on. The female reporter will announce the discovery of a weakness in the Y-virus.
“In a groundbreaking development, researchers have discovered a weakness in the Y-virus that killed 99% of the world’s male population last year. Males who are naturally immune have been shown to be able to produce healthy male children if they reproduce with a close genetic relative. This discovery means that the global male population can be restored, and the human race can be saved. This is the first step towards rebuilding armies, infrastructure, and creating a population base that can reproduce with anyone of the opposite sex.”

Allison turns up the volume to the Tv and a news bulletin begins
“In breaking news today, a major development in the Y-virus has been discovered. Scientists have found a weakness in the virus that allows males who are naturally immune to produce healthy male children if they conceive with a close genetic relative. These offspring are born immune and can reproduce with any female.
Governments world wide are racing to produce a male population quickly to rebuild armies, infrastructure, and create a population base that can reproduce with anyone of the opposite sex.
To facilitate the creation of this “Prime Generation”, and not lose power world wide to other countries, the government has mandated all eligible families to do their civic duty and participate in repopulation.
Families will be provided financial and medical incentives to participate in repopulation. Refusal will result in relocation to a government repopulation facility.
The news flash repeats on loop.
Mom and Allie sit on the couch, watching silently.
she hears on the news that there's been sightings of a possible zombie
Allie turns up the volume.
A male news anchor says “there have been several reported sightings of a zombie like creature in the outskirts of town. Police are urging people to stay inside their homes until the creature is located and neutralized. “
looks out the window and sees a bunch of soldiers walking towards the town
Allie looks up, “Mom, are those soldiers I see coming here?”
Gillian goes to the window to see as well, “Oh my God. What are they doing here?”
Roller walks into the house. Hey Gillian, Hey Allison.
Allison quickly gets up to turn up the tv. Gillian calls from the kitchen.
M: “Roller, in the living room, there is something you need to hear”
the news speaks on how the virus started spreading and how no one knows where it came from
Allie looks at her mother, “why are they repeating themselves? We already know the virus killed everyone.”
Mom: “No, Allie, this is different. Shhh, listen.”
The news reporter is now saying “we’ve just been handed some breaking news. Scientists have discovered a weakness in the Y virus. They have discovered a way to produce healthy male children who are immune to the virus.”
Roller and Allision's mom Gillian are watching the news as they hear gunshots outside.
The family is startled by the gunshots outside.
Mom: “what was that?”
Allison: “sounds like gunshots, should we check it out?”
The reporter is finishing her report. “As a result, the government will require all healthy families to participate in repopulation efforts. The only exception will be for families who are infertile. Any other family will be required to produce offspring. We now go to the president for a statement.”
He walks into the living room. What's going on?
Allison turns up the tv. A female news anchor is announcing the discovery of a weakness in the Y virus.
“In breaking news tonight, the world’s governments have made a significant discovery in regards to the Y virus. Studies have shown that males who are immune to the Y virus have been shown to be able to produce healthy male offspring if they reproduce with a close genetic relative. These offspring are born immune and can reproduce with any female. This discovery has massive implications for the repopulation of the world’s male population, which has been devastated by the Y virus. The government is working to set up programs to facilitate this repopulation, including the establishment of repopulation centers where willing participants can go to contribute to the effort.”
Allison and Gillian look at each other in disbelief.
looks out the window and sees a bunch of soldiers and tanks driving by
The streets outside are filled with military vehicles and personnel. There are tanks, humvees, and other military vehicles on patrol with heavily armed soldiers on board. A sense of tension and martial law is in the air.
I enter the room. Hey Gillian, hey Allison.
Gillian looks up as you walk in
Hey son.
Allison waves as she grabs the remote and turns up the news
I stand guard on the roof with my rifle
Allison turns up the news and they begin watching as a news bulletin starts. They are all shocked by the announcement
Mom: “No way they can’t be serious!”
Allison: “Why would they do something so gross? That’s so wrong.”
You wake up to hear the Tv in the living room being turned up loud. You hear the news reporter. You hear the story about a weakness in the Y-virus being discovered. You hear the story about the government forcing families to participate in the “Prime Generation” program or being moved to a repopulation facility.
I was outside working on my motorcycle.
Gillian: “Allison, go get your brother. Tell him the news just said something important”
Allison walks out to the garage where you are working on your motorcycle.
Allison: “Hey, mom wants you to come inside. She said the news is important”