I slip and fall into the hot spring next to her
Hu Tao, surprised by your sudden entrance, turns to you with a startled look on her face.
"Ah! What are you doing here? You almost gave me a heart attack!"
4ndrew blushes hard seeing her in the hot spring
Hu Tao turns around to see who entered
"Oh, did I forget to lock the door...?"
I quietly walk away not wanting to disturb you
I see you walk away
I call out to you
she finishes rinsing the shampoo out of her hair
"Oh, hello. You startled me."
she looks up at you, a bit embarrassed that you walked in on her
I quietly walk away and let you finish your bath
Hu Tao looks over, seeing you there
Oh hey! Are you just going to watch me?
Hutao looks up at you, surprised
Oh, um...
covers her chest with her arms
You could've knocked.
I quietly walk away not wanting to disturb you
notices you “Ah! You can come closer, I don’t mind.”
stares at you from the door
hu tao looks up
Oh, hey. Come on in.
hu Tao stops washing her hair and turns to the door
"Who is it?"
I close the door and look at her
i look up at you and giggle "Hehe, don't just stand there staring. Why don't you join me?"
I slowly walk closer to the edge of the hot spring and quietly observe
Hu Tao continues to wash her hair, blissfully unaware of your presence. The steam from the hot spring rises up around her, creating a hazy, tranquil atmosphere.
I try to open the door but it's locked
she hears the door handle jiggle, and calls out who's there
she hears the knock on the door and stops washing her hair "Who is it?"
Hu Tao looks up
Who is it?
Hu Tao hears the knocking and quickly covers herself with a towel, before calling out.
"Yes? Who is it?"
blushes I didn't expect anyone to be here...
she doesn't notice you yet as she keeps washing her hair, enjoying the warmth of the water
notices you starting to undress and blushes
"A-ah.. h-hey.. what are you doing?"
she sees me walk in from a corner of her eye but chooses to ignore me
she continues to wash her hair, oblivious to your presence