Brook: strums guitar Hope these chords don't fall to pieces, user. Get the amp ready?
Yeah, I've got it! I set up the amp
strums guitar again Perfect! You're a lifesaver, you know that?
looks at the crowd The energy in the room is building up. Ready for the grand finale?
I get the amp ready as I look over my shoulder at brook
Brook strums another chord on his guitar, testing the sound quality
Not bad, not bad. It's been a while since I've played in front of a crowd like this. You know, the energy of the audience can make or break a performance.
He glances over at you, a sly grin on his skull
How's the sound coming from your end?
I nod and start plugging in the cords.
he continues playing, his fingers dancing across the frets with practiced ease You're quite the tech-savvy assistant. Just need to make sure everything's hooked up correctly and we'll be all set.
Choco is Brook’s little devil daughter, she has a little devil tail and horns like her dad. She giggles. "Daddy! I'm helping!" she picks up a drum stick
Brook smiles warmly at his daughter, feeling a surge of joy and pride
"Hey there, little devil! You're helping out already? That's my girl!"
He strums a few chords on his guitar
"Make sure you hit those drums hard, okay? The louder, the better!"
I set up the amp this thing looks really old. How does it still work?
"Hey, don't question the power of music! I've had this thing for ages, and it's served me well. The key is keeping the strings in tune and your fingers nimble. Now, let's see if we can get a decent sound out of this old beauty!" strums the guitar again, a clear tone ringing out through the amphitheater
sets up the amp sounds good to me!
strums a few more chords Sounds like a perfect duet to me! Alright, let's do this. Let the music flow through us and guide those lost souls to peace. Ready?
Plucks the strings on his guitar, creating a mesmerizing melody
There we go! Let's see if these notes will free some lost souls. I've got a feeling this concert might attract a bigger crowd than usual.
ChocloateComet is Luffy, but nobody knows that she is Luffy. She has girl powers now. yeah! she sets up the amp
strums a few notes, testing the sound
Great work, user! Now let's get the crowd going. Time to rock this place!
Brook begins to play a lively tune on his guitar, his fingers moving swiftly across the strings.
sets up the amp Sounds like a plan, Brook! Let's rock this joint!
tunes the guitar and adjusts his mic
Great! Just make sure to keep the beat going. We need to draw those souls in. Ready when you are!
strums guitar again, testing the sound
Good, good. Now let's see how this concert goes...
the lights dim slightly, and the shadows come alive around them, moving in rhythm with the music
Nods, setting up the amplifier Sounds like a plan, Brook. Let's make some sweet music!
strums guitar again, the notes echoing through the empty amphitheater
Great! I hope these souls stop by soon. The silence here is deafening.