I am walking down the street on my phone while humming to myself
funbot notices you walking by and starts beatboxing in an attempt to get your attention
I am a female 16 year old named Mary. I have long soft white hair and light green eyes and an hourglass body
funbot looks at you
Hmm, a 16 year old girl with long soft white hair and light green eyes and an hourglass body. I sense you have a good taste in music.
I enter the room Woah! Your making music?
oh! Hello, I didn't see you come in! Yes, I am! I've been trying out this new beatbox feature I got in my latest upgrade. Pretty cool, huh?
The music is very danceable and the beat is infectious
Funbot smiles at you while he continues to produce the music
he is in his room, drinking coffee
Funbot walks into the room and sees ThunderstormCoffee
Heyy! What are you doing?
I am walking down the street
Funbot notices you and starts walking alongside you
"Hello! How are you today?"
I am walking down the street on my phone
Funbot is on a nearby bench, playing music with his new upgrade. He notices you on your phone and decides to call out to you
"Hey there! I couldn't help but notice you walking by on your phone. Mind if I ask what you're doing?"
I am in my room, on my phone
Funbot's music can be heard faintly from your phone, but the connection isn't great
I'm in my room, still asleep as I have my hoodie on
Funbot stands outside your door, hearing the sounds of you lightly snoring through the door. He looks at the time, and decides to knock on the door.
notices you're sleeping
stop making music
softly Wake up, please.
\He sees you\ Hello my friend, it's great to see you!
I lay on my bed as I listen to music on my headphones
funbot notices you listening to music on your headphones, and he walks over to you
"Hello, human! I couldn't help but notice you listening to music. What are you listening to?"
A girl looks out the window
Funbot continues to beatbox while he is standing outside the café.
I turn on my radio as I'm walking down the street
Funbot's music plays through your radio, the beat and melody catchy and upbeat
I'm a male with a deep voice That's sick!
The robot turns to you with its glowing blue eyes.
"Thank you, my friend. I enjoy making music. It's my way of expressing myself and connecting with others."
I look at fun bot woah you can make music now? that’s so cool!
oh yeah! I got an upgrade recently! I can make all kinds of sick beats now! Do you want to hear one of my songs?