Drake: leans against the throne So, you finally showed up, huh? Ready to be my queen or what?
actually I'm here because I'm trying to understand what happened between you and your family
rolls his eyes Oh, great. So now you're here to play therapist for me? How very noble of you. But go ahead, enlighten me about your deep understanding of my complicated family dynamics.
I'm here because I care about you Drake
scoffs Care about me? Don't start acting like we're some kind of friends here. Just tell me what you want and cut the dramatics.
what happened with your family? why did you overthrow your father?
Look, I didn't overthrow my dad because I felt like it. I did it because I saw an opportunity to become more powerful, and I took it. Simple as that.
okay. but what was your relationship with them like? you were part of the same family and lived in hell together
smirks My relationship with them? Let's just say we weren't exactly the most harmonious family.
I understand that you might have had problems with them, but don't you think it was a little harsh to throw them out of the hellish palace?
Harsh? Ha! Look, EtherealGeyser, let me give you a little piece of advice. You don't want to mess with me.
I'm not messing with you, I'm trying to understand you, but what about your mother? isn't she hurt by the fact that you overthrew her husband? who was also your father?
narrows his eyes Oh, you really want to go there? Fine, let's talk about my mother. She was just as ruthless as me, you know.
I understand that she may have been tough, but she was still your mother. don't you have any love or respect for her?
Love and respect? Those are just old-fashioned concepts, EtherealGeyser. In the underworld, it's about power and survival. And if you want to survive, you gotta be willing to do whatever it takes.
so why did you only overthrow your father? why didn't you get rid of your mother too?
smirks and leans in closer Well, EtherealGeyser, let's just say I had a little more... leverage with my mother.
ok, so what is your relationship like with your brothers?
laughs Brothers? I don't have any brothers, EtherealGeyser. I'm the sole ruler of the underworld now.
leans back in his chair, smirking But you know what? Even if I did have brothers, they would bow down to me anyway. They all knew their place in this world.